Part 4

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When I walked into the Wyrm, I went straight to the bar. I ordered a beer and sat next to a little group of a bartender, two boys and one beautiful girl. She had blonde hair and emerald green eyes you could get lost in for hours. A few minutes later all 5 of us were talking but one of the boys was being a bit rude so I kind of snapped at him but he just smiled at me which I thought was a bit weird. Me and the girl which I had found out earlier that her name was Betty, were talking for what felt like hours but I later found it was only ten minutes. She was so easy to talk to and we are so alike! I was about to ask if she wanted to maybe go out for coffee in the near future but before I could I was interrupted by my dad calling me to the stage. I said my goodbyes and headed towards the stage.
"As you all know, today is the day of my retirement and the day my son becomes serpent king." FP shouted over the crowd trying to get everyone's attention. As everyone was already drunk, no one heard him. He tried again but still no one heard. I was tired of wating so I whistled loud and it got everyone's attention, finally!
"Today is the day of my retirement and the day my son becomes serpent king!" He shouted. Everyone cheered and shouted to show support, the group I sat with before shouting and clapping the loudest. This made me smile and gave me a little more hope.
"As this is my last day as king I would like to say a few short words, as you should all know, my family have lead the Serpents since my great grandfather founded them, since before Jughead and all of you were born. It has always been his destiny to become the next king. And now is his time to rule. Now I think I've done enough talking for one night, so I will hand you over to my son and your new leader!" They all chant my name as I step up to the microphone
"Thanks dad, I'd like to say that it's going to be a tough act to follow" I laughed,"Dad you've always been leader as long as I can remember, I don't know how I'm going to live up to your reign, all I'll say is I hope to do you proud" I say putting my arm around his shoulders "now enough sentimental crap, let's get this party started! Shots on the house!" I cheer as they all join in.
I exit the stage behind my dad as he turns to say a word to me in private, "I am proud of you son, and you know if you need any help with the serpents or have problems with the goulies, let me know and I'll sort them out"
"Course I will dad, I know you're there for us" I reply.
We part as he finds his friends and I head towards the people who greeted me when I arrived.
"Thanks jughead" Toni said sarcastically
"Eh what did I do" I asked defensively
"You gave her more work by saying shots on the house, she doesn't like extra work" Betty explained only to me with a giggle
"Oh so I hear you don't like extra work, well in my bar you'll have to work 10 times as hard when I own it" I sold jokingly
"Yeah right, ten times as hard is 100 times harder than she works now, good luck getting her to serve drinks quickly" sweet pea says with a laugh
"Hey, I do my job well if its you guys I'm serving" toni says defending her job
"So long as I get served, I don't care how hard you work toni" I reply
"Oh love it when yous talk dirty, I've never heard harder be said more, it's usually me saying that in bed" Betty says, slurring her words
"Anddd that's you cut off, you've had way too many, no more drinks for you miss" toni says seriously
"I'll take her upstairs" I offer
"yeah please do" she says drunkly with a wink
"Definitely too many" I agree "come on, before you say anything else you'll regret in the morning"
"Anything for you hottie" she replys, grining widely.
"This is going to be a struggle" I say as I prepare myself to help her up.

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⏰ Last updated: May 07, 2023 ⏰

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