The Slayer on Remnant CH 1

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"I can't have you standing in the way." Samuel Hayden had told the Slayer, the Crucible floating towards his hands. Samuel activated the tether with a flick of his hand, dismissing the Doom Slayer to an unknown place. Elsewhere, in what appeared to be a clearing in a forest, a blue portal opened up, spitting out it's passenger

Slayers pov

Coming down with a resounding THUD, I landed on a knee, using one of my arms to absorb the force of impact. I stood up to my full height, trying to determine where I was and what had happened. As I did this, memories of the event on Mars flooded through my head. Gritting my teeth, I looked up and saw the tether portal had disappeared. 'That traitors robotic douchebag' I thought to myself. Wondering if I still had it, I started rummaging through my inventory. Since I didn't carry a lot on me, it was easy to find Vega's chip and plug him in. Within moments, I saw Vega's symbol pop up on my HUD, as well as his voice coming through "Hello, my name is Vega, An artificial..." I could hear Vega pausing as he collected data. "I see. Before destroying my facility, you copied me onto a flash drive. Thank you." Inside my helmet, I say "Your welcome. Do you have any idea where we are?" "No idea sir. But I do know that the tether has malfunctioned. If you will give me a bit, I will begin running diagnostics and figure that out." Vega replied. I nodded and looked around at my surroundings. Seeing nothing but vegetation, I picked a direction and started walking. As I began my journey, I noticed that everywhere I looked, I was reminded of earth. So how are you able to function right now? During your crusade on Mars, you collected several orbs of Argent energy. And by powering down about 95% of all my functions, I am able to use that collected energy to run basic functions.

Contact Vega chirped in my helm. Where and how many? About 10 meters to your right and I only sense 3 for now. I started moving towards the pack when I heard growling. Stepping through the bushes, I saw 3 creatures. Each stood about half my height, had a wolf like body with a white, bony skull and a black body. Raising their heads, all 3 of them charged me. Smiling underneath my helm, I stepped forward to meet them, the words RIP AND TEAR echoing through my head. The first one to reach me got an uppercut to the jaw, shattering it and launching the creature up. It never came back down. The next creature decide to try a leaping attack. Ignoring it, I ducked under the attack and focused on the third one. Landing a jaw shattering left hook, the creature fell. I then grabbed his leg and began spinning it around, eventually launching it into the second creature. This collision was stopped by a tree, shattering it. As the two bodies disappeared and smoke started rising out of them, Swipe your hand through that. Walking over, I swept my hand through some of the smoke, and watched it seep into my glove. Just as I thought. Vega muttered. The black smoke these creatures release upon death contains small amounts of argent energy. It's not much, about 10%, but collect enough of it, and I can use it. The best method of collection is to walk through the smoke, and I'll set up your suit to absorb it. So slaughter on sight? I smiled broadly at the notion. Vega sighs That would appear to be the best course of action.

I stepped through the smoke and kept walking. After a few days of walking non stop, I had encountered a few more of these creatures, albeit in different shapes. A few looked like a wolf, others looked like boars, one was even a giant scorpion. Each one though had the distinctive white, bony plating with black bodies. Vega had begun cataloging each one, compiling a list of weakness and strengths, which was somewhat helpful. Most were weaker than an imp and died with a single punch so I wasn't too concerned. Sir, I have recently begun receiving signals. What kind and in which direction did the signal emanate? I said, stepping through the smoke of a recently dispatched grim. It would appear to be internet signals Slayer and they appear to be coming from in front of you. Making no noise, I continue walking. Within the hour, Vega contacts me again Multiple bogeys sir. Appears to be 2 forces fighting each other. Curious, I stride forward to take a look. Cresting a hill, I look down and see what appears to be about 8 children with weapons fighting a large army of grim. This scene sparks a memory and my vision goes red. Instead of seeing what actually is happening, I see the memory, the children being replaced by people from my home and the creatures attacking them being replaced by demons. I bellow with rage and charge the invading demons.

Yang's pov

I activated Ember Celica and prepared to fight for my life against the horde of Grimm. Suddenly, I heard a bellow of rage and the air changed. It took on a reddish tint, and became oppressive, hot and heavy, burning my lungs every time I breathed in. If I didn't know better, I would say it felt like rage and hatred incarnate. Coughing, I belatedly realized that the grim were no longer attacking us. I looked up and realized that they had ALL stopped and focused something else. Now actually looking, I saw that they had focused on a man, who seemed to be covered in green. As the first Grimm reached him, I couldn't take my eyes off the ensuing blood bath.

Slayers pov

Pulling out my Gauss cannon, I activated siege mode, charged it up, and fired it into the center of the invading horde. The resulting blast resulted with a huge number of them completely vaporized. Firing twice more, each one resulting in a large swath of dead and dying, I put away the cannon as they were too close for it by the end and got to work with my hands. The first demon got a fist down his gullet. Pulling out the tongue, I proceed to beat the owner to death with it. Dropping it, I dodged an imps swipe, grabbed the arm, and tore it off at the shoulder. The imp shrieked in agony, dropping to the ground. Giving no quarter or mercy, I savagely beat it, and several others to death with the arm before it disappeared. I looked at the rest of the demons, a small number compared to the army that had originally attacked, and roared. After seeing what I had done in such short time, and to so many of them, many of them had stopped and when I roared, they all broke and ran. Now that's no fun. In front of me appeared an orb of haste. Happy, I reached forward and squeezed it, feeling the energy course through me. I ran forward and slaughtered what was left of the horde. Finished with that my vision changed back to normal. 

The Slayers Saga (RWBY BlakexDoomSlayer)Where stories live. Discover now