The Slayer on Remnant Ch 6

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I stood in Ozpin's office with Blake standing behind me. "Now that we have the initiation over with, the next step is your quarters. If you have any requests, I would like to hear them. I can't guarantee them though." Well first, my room is going to need to be connected to team RWBY's dorm, or at least close enough that the tether doesn't interfere. Also, my room needs to be able to repair all of my weapons and armor while being able to upload Vega into the internet. The Doom slayer requests that his room be close enough in proximity to team RWBY's so that the tether doesn't activate. He also would like his room to be able to repair y'all of his weapons and armor. He would also like for the room to be able to upload me to the internet. "Very well then. I will see what I can do. For now, you will be staying in team RWBY's dorm. I will leave it to Blake to guide you there." After dismissing us, I saw Ozpin's eyelids focus as he started thinking. I looked back at Blake and she motioned me towards the elevator. I nodded and we both strode towards it. As we got on the elevator, it creaked again and Blake looked just as nervous as the first time it creaked. You know, I think there might be a better, faster, and most definitely safer way down.  Oh?  Yah. Just jump out the window. While I won't argue with you on that, will Blake feel the same way? Only one way to find out. Miss Belladonna, seeing as how you are so nervous in the elevator, the Slayer says that he has a better idea. Blake looks at my helmet with a look that says " I'm going to regret this aren't I?" But nods anyways. I stick my arm out to prevent the elevators doors from closing. There was a slight crunch and then the doors reopened. I could tell with a side glance that my armor had put a slight dent on the edge of the door. I strode through, then turned and waited for Blake. She had stopped and inspected the doors and when she looked at me, I saw surprise written on her face. I could feel Ozpin's curiosity so I held up a hand to stop his questions. "So how do plan to get down without using the elevator?" I simply pointed at the window. Blake's eyes widened significantly and she just stood there in shock. "May I ask what's going on?" Ozpin asked politely but with a hard edge to it. Since Blake was clearly still shocked from my suggestion, I answered for her. The elevator was making noises, which was making Blake nervous. So I said that there was a better way down, which involved jumping out the window. Blake was getting nervous so the Slayer suggested jumping out the window instead. Ozpin was also shocked at my suggestion but recovered faster than Blake. "Do you realize how y'all this tower is? That's a suicide jump, even for you." I shrugged. "Either way, I can't allow you in good faith to make that jump." I shrugged again. "No Ozpin is right. That a suicide jump. As nervous as the creaking elevator makes me, I don't want you killing yourself because of it." "Sweetheart, if I was going to be killed by something as simple as a fall, I would have died a long time ago. But if you don't want to, then I won't push you."

(Reader has spent 1 time skip)

Blake was walking in front of me as we made our way back to team RWBY's dorm. During the entire walk, I found myself watching Blake, studying her. Eventually, Vega started making comments, which I chose to ignore. I did stop watching her though and began trying to understand what was happening to me and why Blake seemed to be the center of it. Unfortunately, the only conclusion I could come to was the same as Vega. By now, we had reached the door and I came out of my thoughts. I saw Blake stand aside and motion for me to go through first. I cocked my head in puzzlement but still strode through. I was almost immediately beset upon by a red bundle. I reacted by instinct and almost uppercutes the bundle, but recognized it as Ruby and turned the uppercut into a hand that grabbed the back of the Ruby's coat, pulled her off of me, and set her down."Ohmygodthatwassocoolwhatwasthatbigweapon?" Ruby said in a breathless and excited voice. "Leave the poor man alone sis. Wait until he can at least speak properly. Also, he will tell us on his own time." Yang said. "Correction, I can basically properly speak now. I just needed to relearn how to move my vocal cords." All four girls stared at me while I sat down, the girls immediately began peppering me with questions. "Well, he is obviously tired from his ordeal." Weiss said, which got the group to stop asking questions. "Guys, I don't mean to spoil the mood, but are y'all aware of what time it is?" Weiss added, once everybody had settled down. The other 3 girls pulled a phone looking device and I watched all of their eyes widen in shock. "Shit, we're this late?!" Yang yelled as she jumped up and rushed over to the closet. She was closely followed by all of the girls. Although I came from a military background, where men and women bathed and changed together, I vaguely remembered that civilians didn't like the other sex staring at them in times like these.

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