Cutting A Deal

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March 29, 2021

Albuquerque, NM
Somehow, Jake had been able to stay fairly calm this week. His girlfriend was still missing, and Jake had just agreed to a No Holds Barred match with Bray Wyatt at Wrestlemania. For some strange reason, Jake believed Wyatt when he said he would release Liv. For a guy that was known for brainwashing, Bray Wyatt was a man of his word. At least, Jake hoped he was.

Jake arrived at the arena alone for the third week in a row. It was a feeling he had never really experienced before. When he was on the indies, he would travel everywhere with Eddie Smoke, in NXT he travelled with TMDK, even on Smackdown he travelled with the Undisputed Era. This was the first period of time that Jake had been alone in his career. And it really felt like it. He was about to make a deal with the devil, to walk into hell, and fight his way out again.

Jake was scheduled for his autograph signing during the second hour of Raw. Triple H said that he would officiate it to make sure Bray didn't try anything. Jake dressed in his merch shirt and a pair of black skinny jeans. He threw his leather jacket over top and headed to gorilla. Triple H's theme played and Hunter made his way to the ring.

"Ladies and gentlemen, allow me to introduce to you, the two men that will be signing this contract for their No Holds Barred match in 6 days, at Wrestlemania. First, The Outlaw, Jake Blade!"

Jakes music played and the crowd roared for him. They were definitely on his side in this heated personal rivalry. Jake made his way to the ring. Serious, but still calm enough to hi five a few fans on his way. Jake got into the ring, shook hands with Triple H and sat down in the chair to his bosses left.

"And his opponent, Bray Wyatt!"

The crowd booed but Bray never made an entrance. Everyone was waiting for a few minutes, but Bray never showed. The crowd was beginning to get restless. All of a sudden, the lights in the arena went out. A few moments later, they came back on, and Bray was standing in the ring across from Jake. Triple H flinched slightly, but Jake didn't move a muscle. He did not blink and he did not move. Jake was sick of Wyatt's mind games and just wanted to get this over with.

Bray sat in the chair across from Jake. Triple H placed the contract down on the table in front of them. Bray grabbed the contract first and signed it. He pushed it back towards Jake, and tossed the pen in front of him. Jake grabbed the pen without taking his eyes off Bray. Wyatt got to his feet, began to laugh, and then dropped down to his knees. Bray grabbed his microphone off the table and began to talk.

"I sense fear in you, my friend. Fear of the unknown? No, I can see it in your eyes. You're scared of me, and you should be. You just signed your soul over to me. Come Sunday, my boy, everyone will fear me."

Jake's eyes never left Bray the entire time. It wasn't fear in his eyes, it was anger.

"You think I'm scared of you? No, I'm not scared of you. Fear is the path to the dark side. My eyes don't show fear. They show something much worse. Because for the first time in my life, I'm properly pissed off. You think you're bad? You're a fucking choir boy compared to me. A choir boy!"

Triple H put his arm across Jake's chest, clearly annoyed the he had just sworn on live WWE TV. Jake furiously signed the contract. He grabbed the contract and shoved it into Triple H's chest.

"We had a deal, Wyatt. I agree to this, and you give my family back. Where are they? You give her to me now, you son of a bitch!"

Wyatt just laughed. More mind games. He outstretched his arms and suddenly stopped laughing. The lights went out again. When they came back on, Wyatt had disappeared. The lights went out a second time, and when they turned back on, Liv was sitting, tied to Bray's chair.

Jake rushed to her aid. He untied her from the chair and pulled the tape away from her mouth. Liv tried to stand, but she was so exhausted that she collapsed in the ring. Jake held her up and call for help.

"Help! I need a doctor over here! And get us some water or something!"

The ring side doctor rushed into the ring. He poured some water into Liv's mouth to help her gain some strength.

"We need to get her to a hospital!"

Jake scooped Liv up in his arms and carried her backstage. There was an ambulance waiting for them in the parking lot. Jake carried Liv through the arena, past a bunch of other shocked superstars. Jake help the doctors lift Liv into the ambulance. He jumped into the back with her as they drove to the nearest medical facility.

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