Your So Mean (sad)

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Stella POV

"Fat" "Ugly "ugly cow" "Fat slut" "Bitch". I cried as I read the comments that were on instagram page. I know I have gained a little bit of weight but I just have been depressed and have turned to food for comfort. my boyfriend Justin totally supports me and tells me that I'm beautiful but I don't believe him because I know I'm ugly and fat and I don't deserve him. There is so many other beautiful and skinny girls out there that Justin can have and me on the other hand is fat and disgusting animal.

I have been getting hate a lot on instagram for my weight and it just has been overwhelming to have so many people tell you that you are fat and ugly especially when you already know it. I then heard the front door slam. I quickly wiped my tears that were streaming down my face like a river. "Hey baby" Justin beamed happily. "H-hey" I said letting out a shaky breath. "What's wrong Stell" Justin frowned while sitting beside me on the couch. "It's the hate, it's to much" I said breaking down into tears. "Stella how many times do I have to tell you to ignore those people on instagram." Justin raised his voice. I flinched at the tone in his voice. "it's hard to ignore when I get hate every day, it's just makes me feel so pathetic and ugly." I divulged crying harder this time. I saw Justin roll his eyes when I said that. "Well obviously you are pathetic since you're over here crying over this dumb shit, I get hate every day but you don't see me crying over it, you're such a fat dumb bitch." Justin yelled in my face.

I was stunned that Justin said that to me, I thought he cared about me and most importantly I thought he loved me. I ran upstairs into our bathroom and locked the door. 3 minutes later I heard loud banging on the door. "Babe I'm so sorry that I said that to you I didn't mean any of the things that I had said please forgive me" Justin pleaded through the door, banging on it loudly. "No Justin you lied to me, you said you loved me when you obviously don't." I screamed in pain because my heart was breaking. "Baby I do love you, give me another chance please, I was so wrong to say that to you and I regret ever saying that to you because you're beautiful inside and out." Justin said sweetly. "Justin I can't take this anymore ever one hates me. you obviously hate me, my parents despise me, and friends totally hate, I think it might be better if I just die." I yelled in frustration. "Baby I don't hate you I love you." Justin said sincerely. I shook my head no while crying. I found a razor on the sink, so I grabbed it. "Good bye Justin." I said before gliding the razor across my throat. I instantly blacked out. "Every thing is over now, I'm finally free." I thought.

* Hey guys I hope you enjoyed that imagine and yes I know it's sad but I just wanted to something out of my comfort zone. And sorry again for not updating in a while. And guys if you ever feel that you are not appreciated or not wanted just know that you were put on this earth for a reason. Your special and unique in your own way, don't listen to what other people say about you because they are irrelevant. I love all you guys and I'm kinda going to do a Q and A (question and answer), so if you want to know something about me just put your question down in the comment and I will gladly answer you. Again I love all my Lovelies. <3 :)

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