.Love is just a lie PT.2

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Just to let you guys know I am going to make Love is just a lie a book, but I am just going to upload PT.2 to the imagine because people requested that I do that. Bye Lovelies <3

Y/N POV (4 months later)

It's been 4 months since me and Justin broke, when he broke my heart, when he divulged to me that he used me for publicity. I was Just lying in my bed watching Criminal Minds on TV. I then felt my phone Buzz. I grabbed it from my back pocket and looked at the caller ID, it read "Susie" (my manager).  I then unlocked my phone and saw that she had texted me.

From Susie:

Hi how are you doin Y/N?

To: Y/N

From: Y/N

I'm doing gr8

To: Susie

From: Susie

Well, I wanted to let you know that you have a meeting today with Justin and Scooter at 11:00 a.m.

To: Y/N

To: Susie

What?! y do I have to have a meeting with him and Scooter?

From: Y/N

To: Y/N

Because they want to discuss some business with us.

From: Susie.

To: Susie

ok, I'll be there :(

From: Y/N

I then looked at my purple alarm clock and it was currently 10:15 a.m. I groaned and got out of bed and headed to my red and black painted luxury bathroom. I then hopped in the shower and let the hot steamy water calm my nerves because I will need it if I have to do an meeting with that douche. I then got out the shower and did my hair. I decided to simply straighten it. I then decide to just put mascara and lipstick. Next, I decided to wear a black pencil skirt and and white button up top that showed my curves. I then slipped on some black heels and grabbed my black purse. I headed downstairs and to my garage. I decided I was going to drive my red bugatti.

I then drove over to the island Def Jam rec. building. I then walked inside and found Justin, Scooter, Susie, and Justin's representatives, and my representatives in the meeting room. I took a deep breath and walked in. When Justin saw his jaw literally dropped. I then gave him a sexy smirk as I sat down next to Susie. The meeting was basically about Justin using me as his publicity stunt. From this Meeting I learned that Justin was supposed to tell me that I was a publicity stunt but he didn't, so he had me believing that we were in a real relationship. That just made me even more mad at him. We then talked about me and Justin still being a fake couple, we all then decided that me and Justin should "Break up". I was so relieved that I didn't have to be involved with him ever again. When the meeting was over I made my way over to the front door, but I didn't get a chance to open it because I felt some grip my wrist.

I turned around to see who it was. It was no other that Justin Bieber yay! note the sarcasm. "what the hell do you want Justin?" I asked harshly. "Ok that was rude, but I was wondering if me and you can talk?" Justin asked. "Hell no, are you serious. I don't want nothing to do with you anymore, you broke my heart l, and I really love you but it was a game to you." I said before shedding a few tears. Justin then wiped them off with his thumb. I then pushed his hand away because I really didn't want him to touch me. "please can you just let me explain." Justin begged. "Let you explain what? let you explain why you broke my heart? I think I rather not hear it." I said while getting out of his grip.

I then ran to my car, I was just about unlock my car door, when Justin spun me around and planted a kiss on my lips. I then pushed him off. "So do you think that a kiss is just going to solve everything?" I asked him. "no, but you wouldn't let me explain, so I had to do something to get your attention." Justin said sincerely. "Ok, Justin you can explain to me why you used me and broke my heart." I said in a sassy tone of voice. "Well the reason why I didn't tell you that I was using you for a publicity stunt is because I really had a crush on you and if I let you know I was using you, you would have never gone out with me. I then tricked myself into believing that I didn't really love you so then that's when I started cheating on you and ignoring you, and I'm really sorry for hurting you and I was hoping if you could forgive me." Justin said in one breath.

I then thought about it for a bit, to see if he was telling the truth. I then decided to give him another chance. "I forgive you Justin." I said before running into his arms and kissing him passionately.  But I Don know if he is really telling the truth, but I will just have to take the chance of falling for him again, I just hope this time it be real.

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