Chapter one

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This was written before season four so any inconsistencies can be solved by it simply being an alternate universe.


"Decades ago, a war between good and evil began. This final brawl determined if the villain, known as Hawkmoth, would finally be unmasked and defeated. For this, we needed to use every single miraculous to defeat the hundreds of people Hawkmoth and Muyra had akumatized. In the end good prevailed, but at what cost. Countless lives ended in the war, not to mention many miraculous were damaged and lost after the war. Including: The Rabbit miraculous, The Goat miraculous, The Pig miraculous, The Fox miraculous, The Dog miraculous, The Monkey miraculous, The Butterfly/Moth miraculous, and The Black Cat miraculous. To this day no one knows where they could b-   Ms. Greene." In the corner of the classroom, the teacher must've heard Madi snoring like a gremlin.

You would think for someone who has been in trouble as many times as Madi had, she would at least try to stay awake in class, but no.

"Madi." Kris whispered as she nudged Madi signaling for her to wake up "Wake up."

Slowly but surely Madi's eyes began to open and as soon as they did she realized all eyes were on her.

"What's going on?" She whispered to Kris who was currently facepalming.

"Ms. Greene would you please tell the class the miraculous that we're lost during the war?" The teacher asked.

As Madi's best friend it was Kris' job to help her out of the mess she was usually in. So Kris slid the paper she was writing notes on to Madi who glanced at it, if Madi didn't have picture-perfect memory this wouldn't work as well as it does for them, and she slyly answered the question.

"The rabbit, goat, pig, fox, dog, monkey, butterfly/moth, and black cat miraculous were lost during the war," Madi said with a smirk.

Baffled the teacher turned around and said: "That's correct."


"School sucked ass today," Madi whined as she kicked a rock across the road.

"That's a dollar for the swear jar," Kris said calmly.

The two usually went through some variation of this every day after school. The girls made their way to their favorite ice cream shop across town and ordered the usual.

"Mint chip is the best flavor," Kris said finishing the last of her cone.

"Nah man, cookies and cream is where it's at," Madi argued licking her fingers. While leaving they soon began to debate which flavor was the best, not noticing that they had taken a wrong turn.

Kristen stopped abruptly.
"What's the matter, Krissy?" Madi asked confused why they had stopped walking.

"I don't recognize this part of town," Kris said "And don't call me Krissy! It's degrading."

"I'm sure it's fine, Krissy," Madi said as Kris jabbed her in the stomach. Madi, dramatically, falls to the floor next to a bush. As Madi lie there she couldn't help but notice something glistening through the leaves. "Hey, Krissy."


"Look at this." Madi got up off the ground and placed, what seemed to be a ring, in Kris' hand. Kris examined it, as Madi played with grass.

"It can't be." Kris gasped

"Can't be what?"

"It's the black cat miraculous."

"What no it isn't. It's just some ring."

"Is too. look at the markings." Kris shoved the ring in Madi's face. It indeed had markings similar to the miraculous.

"It's gotta be a fake," Madi said still not convinced "besides if it were real there would be a little magic thing."

"Okay, one it's called a kwami and two no one has put it on yet so that's probably why none has shown up."

"Fine, gimme." In a flash Madi snatched the ring out of Kris' hand and before you could say 'Stop!' It was already on her finger.


At first, nothing happened and Madi was about to speak but before a word could leave her lips there was a bright, green light that radiated from the ring.

"Dude what the hell is going on." Madi stuttered.

"I don't know," Kris said backing away.

The neon green light began to fade and once it did a black kwami with cat ears floated before the two girls. The girls' jaws were dropped they could not believe their eyes.

"So are you just gonna stand and stare or..?"

"OH MY GOD, IT TALKS!!!" Madi screeched clearly freaked.

"I HAVE SO MANY QUESTIONS!!!" Kris screeched clearly excited.

The kwami yawned as Kris interrogated him with questions and Madi was panicked by the bush they found it at.

"You're name's Plagg right? How many cat noirs have there been? Are you hungry? Since the miraculous is damaged does that mean you're hurt too?" Kris asked her words bleeding into one another.

"Yes, too many to count, all the time, and no," Plagg answered sounding very bored as if he hadn't done anything in years (oh wait he hasn't).

"I'm Kris and your miraculous holder is that girl over there, her name's Madi."

"Even though I'm awesome you can't tell anyone about me. Got that Madi?" He called looking in Madi's general direction.

"Yeah, Yeah secrets or whatever. Krissy can we talk." Kris skipped over to Madi and was quickly pulled into a huddle. "This whole thing is freaking me out, man," Madi whispered.

"He's harmless Mads," Kris whispered back.

As they whispered Plagg watched completely uninterested in their conversation and more interested in the Camembert he would soon be receiving.


"That's why!" Kris shouted ending their quiet fight.

"Fine," Madi said annoyed. Then they both walked over to Plagg who had dosed off (probably dreaming of cheese).

And Madi said, "Wake up Plagg, we're leaving."

Before leaving Kris picked up Madi's hand to examine the ring more. Which, without Kris realizing, made Madi blush. But Plagg did notice and once he did he laughed to himself.

"With more research, I might be able to fix this thing," Kris said cheerfully before running off and saying "bye!"

"Bye." Madi waved still blushing.

Once Kris was out of view Plagg smirked: "I know someone you like." Plagg said making the word 'like' sing-songy.

"Shut up Plagg." Madi hissed crossing her arms and turning red. Which only made Plagg laugh even more.

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