Scared !

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For now on , I don't know whether to be guilty or happy . I got away from my mother , but I also lied to Larry . Obviously he doesn't like liars . There was alot of light of lights in London tonight , just like the city . It was a little chilly out here , and only thing I have on was a dress , sandals , and a little jacket . So it was definitely cold for me . I didn't know which way I was going , I was enjoying the night as it is now .

" Ahh ! ". I screamed jumping back away from the person . I let go of my suitcase and started to run .

" Leala ! it's me ". The person said .

I stopped running and looked back to see Kimmie holding her stomach trying to stop laughing . I didn't think it was funny at all ! I walked back up to her and rolled my eyes while crossing my arms .

" That wasn't even funny ! ". The more I yelled and got angry the more she laughed . She even tried to hold my shoulder to lift herself up from being hunched over . I just shooked her off of me . I was mad at her .

" O-oh o-okay ! I-i'm sorry ! ". She choked out , trying to stop laughing .

" ' Oh okay I'm sorry ' my butt ! stop laughing it's not funny ". I said to her . Kimmie wiped her tear that came out from when she kept laughing to hard .

" Oh my gosh ! that was so funny ". Kimmie giggled .

I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms over my chest looking at her . She rolled her eyes waving me off . " You know it was funny ". She says pushing me alittle . I smiled as I took notice of her trying to cheer me up . And then things got serious .

" Why you leave ? ". Kimmie asked me as we started to walk around the corner. I shrugged my shoulders like I didn't know but I really did .

" So you just ran out following behind a butterfly ?". She asked sarcastically rolling her eyes .

" Maybe ? ". I shrugged again .

She smacked her teeth and pulled me into a nearby restaurant . The food smelt so good ! and it was freezing . Why does all restaurants have this cold air , but great food ?

     " A small booth , just for two ". Kimmie told the waiter as he pulled out two menu's and two silverware that was wrapped up in a napkin . " Okay , follow me ". He walked infront of us and we followed . Soon we were seated and looking at the menu .

" Okay ladies , what would you like to drink ". The waiter asked pulling out his notepad .

" Pink lemonade ! ". I said looking up at him .

"A Sprite please ". Said Kimmie .

The waiter wrote everything down and left.

" Tell me how you feel ". Kimmie blurted out unexpectedly .

" What you me-- ". She cut me off talking over me .

" About your mother and Father ". I shrugged putting my elbow on the table and leaning my head on it .

Couple of seconds past and none of us said anything . But that's until I decided to just tell her . For the past days I knew Kimmie , I started to like her as a friend . She's so real with me and teaches me things about this world that my mother should of taught me . It's like one of them adults that plays with kids like they were a kid . She also talks to me about grown ups stuff and the things she go through and vice versa .

" My mother wasn't the mother you dream of having . She always leave the state to go to another state after another , which means I don't get to spend time with her and have a bonding relationship . I mean , I'm grateful for her buying me clothes , giving me a place to sleep but would you ask for better ? To have your mom talk to you like you were a baby , and treat you things you would need to know as you grow up ". I huffed feeling bad about myself , My friends be like Oh my gosh my mom won't get off my back , she won't let me do nothing . But I wish my mom was like that .

" I just wish my mom loved me and cared for me ". I said fiddling with my fingers .

" I'm sorry Leala that you had to go through that . . . but let me tell you something , my mom wasn't all that great either ". This time I was shocked . You would of thought Kimmie had a stable family .

" My mother was never there to take care of my sisters and I , she would always send us over to someone house , so we jumped from house to house every night . I wouldn't really call her a Mother cause she didn't seem like one . I had to learn everything on my own . My period , I never new what that was until I experienced it . My sister called me dumb because I didn't know what it was they never told me . Everything I've learned my whole life was self taught . Since I been working with Bey , My family still try to be my friend . . . I forgave that , but I still don't talk to them ". Kimmie smiled through her tears as she wiped them .

Kimmie was going to be my inspiration . She kind of went through what I went through . But I still had a question for her .

" Kimmie can I ask you something ? ". I asked nervosly .

" Yeah ! go for it ".

" Uhm . . . what's a period ? ". After I got that out I felt dumb , but the way she looked at me .

" I will tell you what it is okay , when we get back to the hotel ". I nodded and smiled .

" Okay ladies , here's your drinks . . . pink lemonade for this young lady , and a sprite for the Lady ". He passed us our drinks .

" What ? do I not look young ". Kimmie asked with a shock expression .

The waiter chuckled shaking his head yes . " Okay are you guys ready to order ? ".

" Yes can I have the Steak cooked well , Mashed potatoes , and green beans to go " . Kimmie said taking a sip of her drink .

" And for you young lady ? ".

" baby back ribs and fries ! to go ". I happily said while wiggling in my seat . They laughed at me , and the waiter walked away .


10: 22 pm

Kimmie and I walked in the hotel and went for the elevator . Once we got up to our room I sat all my things down . " You ready ? ". Kimmie asked . I just nodded waiting on the girls to get here . Kimmie called them and asked can we all meet up in Ashley and Amanda room .

We was infront of the hotel room door waiting for them to open up . As soon as they opened it we walked in . I saw Larry and Laurent sitting on the couch and I nervous .

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