Lil B (part 2 )

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Daddy's Little Girl

Lil B (part 2)

][ Leala ][

I put my suitcase and hello kitty bag in the trunk with Lilo help . She's so cute and so nice . Lylah , her mother helped her into her booster seat . " No I got it mommy ". She says . I opened up the car door and waited for Laurent and Waydi to get out because I had to climb over the seat to get in the third row with Lilo . They got out and I got in .

" La la . . . look , I know how to put my seatbelt on ". Don't you know them kids when they learn something new they want to show you so bad . Well that's what Lilo doing right now .

" Ooh ! good job ". I reached out my hand for a high five , she gave me one and wiggled in her booster seat . I put my seatbelt on and sat back.

" La la your eyes are pretty ". Lilo said while touching the side of my eye . My eye color is hazel-green . In the light it's more of a blueish green . When I cry or wake up it's more of a faded hazel .

" Thank you , I love your eyes too ". I said , she said thank you and smiled .

" Hey La La ? ". Lilo called .

" Yeah . . . ". I asked waiting for her to finish speaking .

" Want to be my Bestfriend ? ". She asked holding onto my hand .

" What ! Lilo I thought I was you bestfriend ? ". Laurent yelled making both of us jump in fear . Lilo shrugged , shaking her head . She then pointed at me . " But I want to be La la bestfriend ". She whined .

" Awh that's so cute ". Lylah said looking through the rearview mirrior at Lilo and I . It's crazy how I just met her for like a couple of minutes and she's already trying to be my bestfriend , she even gave me a nickname La La .

" She probably don't even want to be your bestfriend ". Laurent pouted while be folded his arms .

" Mhm ! La La don't you want to be my bestfriend ? ". She tried to get me to agree with her . So I just nodded my head to make her day . " I told you uncle lau ! ". She hyped up when I said I would be her bestfriend .

][10 minutes later ][

Italics means they are speaking in french .

We stopped infront of this beautiful house. It reminded me of something but I couldn't quite put my finger on it . The sun was already setting , it's crazy how beautiful it is in Paris as the sunsets . I walked to the back of the truck and grabbed my suitcase and bag since the trunk was already opened . I grabbed on the handle and followed behind Larry , Lylah and Lilo . Waydi and Diablo was helping Laurent with his bags .

Lylah opened the door cause it was already unlocked . We all walked in leaving the door opened for Laurent , Waydi , and Diablo .

" Mama ! ". Lylah yelled walking farther in the house . " Mama . . . Laurent and Larry is here ". Lylah yelled again , we heard footsteps and soon we saw a short lady walking out the kitchen with her glasses on smiling .

" Oh my gosh , my babies come here ". She said speaking in french , I clearly understood her . Laurent and Larry sat their belongings down and towered over their mother . I knew this place was familiar this is my Grandma's home . I miss this place so much , I miss running around and talking  with my cousins , aunts , and uncles . All the great French cooking , I loved it . There's a difference , when I'm with my mother's side of the family there's no love especially when they always gained up on me because I wasn't how everyone wanted me to be . But when I was over my Father's side of the family . You could be you and still have fun . They always tell me about my Daddy but when I ask to see a picture they never had one . I thought it was crazy because everybody in the house had pictures of themselves even me . I found out why I never got to see a picture of my father . It was because my mother didn't want me to know nothing about my father or his Family . I actually begged to come see my family on my Daddy said , when I did I cherished that moment . Even without alot of people here , I felt the love .

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