Bailey Grey was one of the many that didn't know about supernatural. At 16 years old, Bailey finds out she is pregnant and when other students find out she is bullied. She becomes distant and leaves town for a better job to support her son. Now that...
Previously in A Little At A Time~ Here I come big brother. ————————————————————
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After many, many hours of driving and changing diapers, we finally arrived to Mystic Falls. After all these years of missing my home, I never came back but now that I am am back, it brings back a lot of memories and emotions that I didn't miss. Yet, not all of them I didn't miss. There are still some memories and emotions that I missed. I know even after just eating, my little boy would still be hungry, so I decided that it would be best to stop at place where he could eat.
By the time that I pulled up at a place called 'Mystic Grill' and looked back at Jayce, thirty minutes had passed. He was still asleep from a couple hours ago and I knew he would be for a while, but also knew he had to eat. I shut off the car and opened the door. I could practically smell the alcohol from inside the restaurant and I was a bit worried considering I would be bringing Jayce into that alcohol filled place. But, I knew that it was also a restaurant and that not everyone would be drinking.
I got Jayce out of his car seat and into my embrace. I closed the door and took a few seconds to look around. Not many things have changed, the places look the same and there is still the same old people smiling and saying "hello". From it being a small town, everyone knows and trusts everyone. Not a whole lot of people lock their doors at night and they don't find it necessary to do so. Heck, some find it normal to leave their homes wide open for people who are having a tough time, and let them stay overnight and have breakfast in the morning.
I look down at Jayce and smile, I am feeling safe here a whole lot more than I did at my old house. Speaking of houses, I need to get us another one, or else we will have to be staying with my brother. I head into the restaurant and quickly find a seat farthest away from the bar. After a little while, a blonde haired, blue eyes teenager shows up and asks for my order. I looked at his name tag and it read 'Matt' I smiled. I remembered him. Matt Donavan was the star of the football team other than Tyler Lockwood and was a kind person. When I left, he was dating one of the popular cheerleaders, Elena Gilbert. She was okay. I never really talked to her, but Tyler was my best friend growing up, along with Bonnie and Caroline. I wonder how they are doing now.
I looked up, made eye contact and smiled. "Hey, Matty!" I greeted him as he looked at me kindly. Once he realized who I was, he grinned widely and his eyes brightened. I chuckled internally when he replied, "Hey Bailz, how have you been? I haven't seen you in forever." He paused for a second, looked down and muttered, "Well ever since the school found out that you were pregnant." I smiled sadly, I missed this place, I really did, but with all the rumors about me and my baby, I had to leave. But sadly, that's not the only reason I had to leave.
I looked at him and grinned real widely. "Oh you know, I have been great. I have been busy with being a mom now and all, but life is good!" I said happily. I could tell he was trying to see the baby I have been holding. I smiled and asked him, "Would you like to meet him?" His eyes shot to mine as if to ask permission. He just smiled and slightly nodded. I turned Jayce to where Matt could see him. Since I would already have to wake him up for food, I decided to wake him up to see Matt. I gently talked to Jayce waking him up, "Jayce. Hey baby, wake up. Mommy wants you to meet someone."
When I had Jayce, I was so happy. Jayce is a quiet baby and I only ever heard him cry once and that was when he was born. Jayce stirred awake and once he seen me he smiled a Cheshire Cat smile. It was too cute! When Matt seen Jayce smile widely, he chuckled.
€€€€€€€€€ TIME SKIP €€€€€€€€€
After I fed Jayce, I ate, paid the bill and left. I decided to call up my friend Caroline and see what she is doing, although I am pretty sure she is going to be busy, considering tomorrow is the decade dance according to Bonnie. Not even 15 seconds after the phone starts to dial her, she picks up. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ (Phone Conversation: B- Bailey; C- Caroline) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ C- " Hey girl! What's up?" Care said in an overly happy way, but hey it sure made me smile! B- "Hey Care, nothing much just wondering if you were doing anything and if I could come over." She didn't answer right away like normal, so I could tell she was thinking about it. B- "I have the baby!" And sure enough, not even a second later... C- "Done. Yep, you are definitely coming over. I'll give you the address and you can just walk right in!" She said excitedly. B- "Okay, Care. I'll be there in a few." C- "K." And just like that the phone call was over. ~~~~~~~~~END OF CALL~~~~~~~~~
€€€€€€€€€ TIME SKIP €€€€€€€€€
I had finally arrived to the address that Caroline sent me and let's just say that the place was HUGE! I got out of my car, went to the other side and grabbed Jayce. He was still awake which I was glad. As I walked to the door, you could hear my heels hitting the solid ground making a loud echo in the large empty driveway. When I arrived at the door, I hesitated, Caroline said to come in, but I feel that it is right to knock first. So, I knocked. And to my surprise, the door opened to reveal an older looking man with dirty blondish brown hair and blue eyed man with a bit of facial hair. He grinned at me and looked down to see Jayce. He looked a bit surprised to see me holding a baby, but I just smiled and said, "Hello! I'm Bailey, Caroline's friend. I was wondering if she was here, if so, is there any way you could tell her I am here?"
He smiled and gestured for me to come in. I smiled back and stepped inside. When I did, he looked somewhat shocked, but I didn't know why. Then he said,
"Why hello, Bailey, I am Alaric Saltzman."
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Why hello lovelies! It's me, I cannot believe that the last published chapter was 300 words long and this one is 1134 words long! That's quite the difference! 😅 I hope you liked it and know that there definitely will be more! Maybe not this weekend since I will be traveling, but there will be more! Love you guys! Byeeee! 💕-KNikki