Chapter 11

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 It actually looked really fun, if not a little scary. My nerves started jumping, my adrenaline rising. I started playing my rings, looking out of the window. I felt Colby squeeze my leg. "Hey, you good?" he asked, worry in his voice. He knows how my anxiety is. I smiled and nodded. I wouldn't let anything ruin this day. "I'm good. Just a little nervous." We parked and joined the other people in line. God, I hated waiting. The anticipation is the worst thing for anxiety. I had plenty of time to stand and thing about the millions of things that could go wrong with this scenario. Colby put his hands on my shoulders and rubbed, knowing that I was anxious. I felt his breath on my ear, then heard him whisper "Y/N you really don't have to do this. We don't have to do this. We can just watch the others." I turned around to look at him. I could see how concerned he was in his eyes. "Baby, I'm fine. I promise." Just then someone screamed, and Colby's eyes went to the couple that was up in the air. I could see in his his face how badly he wanted to do this. His eyes lit up, and a small smile played on the corner of his lips. This is why I had suggested this. I knew that he and Sam would love it. I leaned up on my toes and kissed him softly, his arms closing around my lower back. "I would do anything for you Colby Brock." I said leaning back. His smile lit up his face and he hugged me tight. "I love you, did you know that?" I giggled. "I did know that. I love you too." The line had moved up so that it was Corey and Devyn's turn next. They got into their seats and I could see how nervous and excited Corey was. "I don't wanna do this anymore." He started to fidget in his seat a little, checking the belts. "No, Devyn can you get me out? Just get me out." Colby started laughing. "Bro, chill. It'll be over before you know it." Corey looked at Colby, widening his eyes. "Bro, can you just get me out? I don't think I-" The boat took off and, with a slight jerk, Corey and Devyn were lifted into the air. "Waaaah" Corey screamed. "Okay, okay, it took me by surprise. I'm okay." I could hear Devyn laughing. "Okay, you guys are next." The attendant said, motioning to Colby and I. I stood locked in place, unable to move. Colby wrapped his arms around me from behind, placing his head on my shoulder. "Baby, we really don't have to do this. It's not a big deal." "Just give me a second." I replied. I took my deep breaths to steady myself. I'm fine. This is fine. Corey and Devyn were okay. Everything will be fine. "Okay, I'm ready." Colby took my hand and we got into our seats. The attendant buckled us in, and tightened and checked our straps. "You're kind of hurting my hand babe." I looked over to our joined hands and noticed that I was squeezing so hard, his rings were actually biting into my hand. "Sorry." He smiled and leaned over to kiss my cheek. "You ready?" I watched the boat take off. I looked into his eyes, noticing how they were the same color as the water. "Now or Never, right?"

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