morning sex

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taehyung ↑

jeongguk ↓

a dusky rose was painted on the sky, signaling the start to a new day.

jungkook laid on his back, covered in a pearly white blanket and a masculine body, softly snoring as his arms were wrapped around the older male.

a tiny spindle of sunlight shot through the smoky grey curtains that hung down from the porch window, hitting the eye of the black-haired bed head, cuddling with his lover.

taehyung softly turned in jungkook's arms, using his arms and legs to drape over the other male and pull his body closer, if possible. he let out a small whine of fatigue before waking up, a grumpy look displayed on his face.

slowly, he began to get up with the second whine of this morning. he sat on his elbow, yawning before starting to lay back down in hopes of going back to sleep.

unfortunately, the light still shone on his eyes. he let out a frustrated breath before scooting down his entire body, going back to his original cuddling position.

just as taehyung was going to head back to sleep, the bed shifted.

jungkook had woken up.

he felt the male begin to shift out of his arms, so he decided to let a groan escape from his mouth. "come back~" he whined.

jungkook chuckled at tae's child-like behavior. "i'm not going anywhere, baby." with that, he turned on his side and faced tae, placing a kiss on his forehead.

"good morning." jungkook smiled softly.

the older pouted. "don't say that, cause that means we'll have to get up."

jungkook chuckled and slowly laid down on the soft mattress again. "we don't technically have to get up just yet..." he raised his eyebrows suggestively. "before we head out we could... I dunno, make love maybe?" he asked, stroking the blue soft locks of the older male's hair.

"hm, that'd be nice," taehyung mumbled, a sound that might've been mistaken as a purr leaving his pouty lips as jungkook continued to play with the soft locks of his lover's hair.

"i'm scared, y'know? I just...I just hope everything works out but let's forget that right now," he interjected as he moved the blankets away, and straddled his lover. "let's go for soft sex, yeah?" jungkook moved blue stands from taehyung's forehead then kissed him softly.

taehyung hummed into the kiss, a small smile tugging at the edges of his lips. "you think you can top today?" taehyung pouted "'m kinda tired."

"I'm up for riding you, besides that'll be pretty hot, huh? my body rocking on you in the sunlight?" jungkook whispered in taehyung's ear, setting the mood slightly. he kissed his tan neck, working his way down towards the male's collarbone and sucked beneath it. he bit down every once in a while then sucked where his neck and shoulder connects, knowing what reaction he'll get in return.

taehyung let out a whine and bit his lip. "koo-" he whimpered, gripping jungkook sides as he elevated his head towards the side. small hums and whimpers escaped his mouth as jungkook bit down in certain places.

jungkook pulled away and looked at where he marked taehyung. he smiled then pulled his hair back and spread his legs more before rolling his hips down against taehyung.

this went on as a heated kiss erupted from the two males, their bodies equally heating up as their tongues swirled against each other.

soon enough, taehyung lifted up and moved his hips against jungkook, making the latter whine slightly since they've now just been hard.

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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2019 ⏰

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