Tf just happened?..

11 1 0

You stand there in shock. Your trying to think about what just happened. Then you thought you figured it out....

Y/N- *laughs* stop joking around!
Jin- *looks at you nervously*
Y/N- *looks at Jin* oh your not joking...
Jin- I'm sorry just ignore what I said. We are siblings after all!
Y/N- ya we are..

Later at School

Y/N- Jin! Over here
Jin- hey!
Y/N- do you mind if I hangout with you at lunch?
Jin- I gotta ask Suga
Y/N don't mind him he's gotta deal with me
Jin- *chuckles*


Y/N- brought uno!
Jin- remember that time- oh never mind.
Suga- tf y'all better tell me
Y/N- *looks at Jin nervously*
Jin- *looks at Y/N nervously*
Suga- WHAT?
Jin- nothing
Suga- ok whatever
Y/N- anyways, Jin give me your cupcake
Jin- what no
Y/N- fine.. but whoever wins gets the cupcake
Suga- DEAL!
Jin- Wait what!
Y/N- too late!

After the uno game

You won the cupcake and eat it in front of Jin. Jin walks to you and whispers in you ear: just wait til you get home.. you soon become worried but then proceed to eating the cupcake. You then got an amazing idea. You shove the half eaten cupcake in Jin's face! Jin looks at you with disgust while you start giggling!

When you get home

You didn't think much about what Jin whispered to you. But when you got home he smushed a cupcake onto you lips. You then get so mad you just leave and sit on the couch. Forgetting that you had icing on your lips. Jin went over to you to apologize. He then takes a napkin and wipes the icing on your face. You both made eye contact but he quickly looked elsewhere. You think to yourself: your not falling for him! He's your brother! But you can't help it! You decided I have to do something.
You then grab Jin's chin and kiss him
As you were doing that Suga walked in the house to ask jin for a charger. Suga stands there in shock

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