Part 22

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I apologize about the songs if they don't fit with the story I apologize.
Enjoy~ (trigger warning in this)(I do not own this song it belongs to the person that made it)

Tylers pov
I then wake up to see it's morning.i try to sit up but end up being pushed back down I let out a squeak.i look to Craig's arm around me I turn my whole body to face him.

I giggle and that must've woken him cause I see his eyes slowly open "oh hello"he says then kisses my nose I giggle then struggle to get out of his arms I start to squirm "CRAIG COME ON LET GO"
"No"he answers
I finally get free but I fall off the bed with
Worth it
I hear craig laughing "you meany"I pout I hear him get to where I fell off
"Here I'll help"he helps me up I smile and lean in and kiss him
"Love you craig~"I say
"Love you to love~"
I smile from the nickname
"I'm gonna go take a shower" he says and pecks my lips
I nod and he leaves.i go downstairs to make breakfast.

I put the pancakes on the plate and put them on the table I then hear footsteps coming down the stairs I look to see craig.he sits down and starts eating while I grab the syrup (I love pancakes with syrup).i walk to the table and I start to eat.i feel my phone buzz from my pocket,I take it out to see a text from evan in the group chat.

Hoodini:hey guys they opened a new club u guys wanna go

Wildcat:sure I'll go

Miniladd:Hell Yeah im going

Irishpotato:hell's yeah

Squeaker:I'm in

Cartoonz:im in

Delirious:Hell yeah im in

407:im in

Basically:im definitely in

Terrorizer:Hell ya😆

Moo:im definitely going

Hoodini:ok lol it opens tomorrow night we meet there

Everyone's pov
I put my phone up excited about the club that just opened
"IM READY TO PARTY" I yell in my head

Jonathan's pov
I walk out of the shower with clean clothes on and dry hair...sorta. I walk into the kitchen luke,Ryan and Evan were sitting at the table in a conversation,it sounds like about the club "hey guys"i say after i get a plate of eggs and bacon.i sit down beside evan and I lean over and kiss his cheek "morning my little owl"he smiles at me with a blush.i smile and turn back to my breakfast,I start to eat while listening to them about the club,Evan is telling them about it.after they got done talking about that we all started to talk about random stuff "hey you guys wanna play a video game"I ask
"Hell yeah!"Ryan yells
I hear Evans adorable giggle then we all walk to the living room to play a game.evan goes over to find a game while me,Ryan,and luke talk,we were in a conversation when we hear evan yell, "HERE WE GO" I laugh.i look at the case to see he had gang beasts "oh no"I say in my head.

We get on and of course I pick my blue bear.the map was the subway map we all run at each other I attack luke "DELIRIOUS let's talk about this"he says while I pick him up after I knocked him out i end up throwing us both off.then we both lose and we end up watching evan and Ryan.

Time skip💕

While we were playing I hear my belly growl I look to see evan,luke and Ryan staring at me.i hear evan laugh from beside me "hungry?"he asks
"Yes I need food"
He laughs again "ok I'm starving to so what do you guys want?"
Luke and ryan yell "yes!"
I hear evan leave to call the pizza.i grab my phone and check Twitter cause I was bored.

Another time skip sry

We all were goofing off when we heard a knock at the door I get up and walk to the door.i open it to see the pizza guy he hands me the pizza and I pay him.i shut the door and walk back to the guys I then hear horror movie music,I walk into the living room to see the menu of a horror movie.i sit down the pizza with paper plates and soda "what are we watching?"I ask
Luke grabs a piece "Halloween"he says
I sit down beside evan we all start to dig in while watching the movie.

It was in the middle of the movie when all the pizza was gone and all the soda I clean up.when I come I see Luke in Ryan's lap asleep I smile and walk to beside evan i look at him and kiss his head.i put him onto my lap and I feel him lean his head on my shoulder I was about to say something when I hear his cute snores "I love you my little owl"I say I then pick him up taking him to bed while Ryan took a sleeping luke to their room.i lay evan down and I lay next to him I then wrap my arms around eyes slowly close then everything goes black.

I hope u enjoyed the story but I really want all the readers who read this story and the other one thank guys are awesome love ya guys💙

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