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Honey's pov:
Today is supposed to be a very special day. I've been in my bed all day though. I hate surprises so much. My sister Julie keeps on telling me to get out of my bed but of course, I don't listen. "HONEY! GUESS WHAT?!" She calls from her room right next to me. "WHAT DO YOU WANT JULIE?" "LIL PEEP IS COMING TO LA!!!!!!" She yells in a high pitched voice. "WAIT WHAT?" I run to her room and bust the door open. "Honey look" she pulls out an envelope. "I got you tickets" at this moment so many thoughts are running through my head. I don't trust her at all. She jokes WAY to much. "Julie i swear to god if you're lying to me I'll punch you" She starts laughing. "Julie I'm not kidding!" I hit her arm playfully. "Ok Honey here" she hands me the envelope and I snatch it from her hand and quickly rip it open. I see the tickets. This is where it all started.
        ***Time skip to the concert***
    This was crazy. Once everyone got into the room were the stage was, everyone was screaming. I was so confused on why people were screaming. I waited outside to take a hit of my cigarette, because I was so nervous. Once I walked in, I understood. The stage looked amazing! Bright lights everywhere, videos of Gus in the background, and they were playing some punk- rock music in the background. Blink 182- the rock show. I absolutely loved this song.
         ***Another time skip bc I can***
It's was finally time for peep to come out. He walked out from the side of the stage with his black skinny jeans, and his Jason shirt on. He came out and  started to singing hellboy. I was screaming to they lyrics, Jumping up like a little child. I honestly don't know how I was even moving because there was SO MANY PEOPLE THERE. I wasn't paying attention to anything else but Gus singing his heart out. He's so passionate when he's preforming, it's so amazing. A few songs later, I heard one key and knew it was girls. That was Julie's song. I pulled my phone out.

"All the girls here make some noise! This song is for y'all!"

Just looking at him preform gave me goosebumps and gave butterflies. Then randomly, I got pushed by this  girl, she looked like she was not sober at all. "I'm sorry but is there a reason why you pushed me?" She said with attitude. "Pardon? I think you have the wrong person, you pushed me." I rose my voice. "SORRY!" I turned back and the stage and focused all my attention on peep. I felt some pressure on my shoulder, so I turned around. "I know for a fact you don't know who you're talking to. I will fucking rock your shit little girl!" She said starting to get red. I'm in shock. I didn't even do anything! I just roll my eyes and just try to not pay attention to her and turn my gaze on him once more. "That's right you Pussy! Look away!" She said while throwing something at me. I honestly didn't even care at this point because peep is staring right at me. He stopped singing for a a few seconds, but it felt like minutes. He smiled and then continued to preform.
After the show was over, I head home. Or that's what I thought. That disrespectful thot comes up behind me when I was trying to leave. At first I didn't know it was her. Huh? I turn around and I see her. Ugh. "Yes? May I hel-"
She punches me in the face. I feel a little blood coming down my nose. She messed with the wrong person. "How did that feel bitch? You want some more? You were blocking my view at the show! I needed that moment!" She goes in for another swing but I block her fist with my hand. She looks at me like she's surprised for a good 5 seconds. I laugh. "The number one rule of fighting is to never let your guard down." I said. I take my hand off her fist. I take her arm hand twist it. I was furious. I trip her to causing her to fall on her back. I go on top of her, and punched her a couple of times as hard as I can. "Get the fuck off of me you bitch! I'll sue you!" blood came dripping from her nose slowly falling off her face to the floor. I get up and wipe the blood off my face and knuckles quickly. She tried to get up but I stepped on her stomach putting her back on the floor. I laugh. The security in this place is horrible. "You asked for it and I gave it to you. It would be impossible to sue me, you hit me first and I had a right to hit you back. That's called self defense. You don't even know my name! You're such a asshole, you could've told me to move and I would've. But you didn't . I'm also at a peep concert. You're not the only one. You piece-of-SHIT!" I spit on her. The second I take my foot off of her She got up and ran away. I wasn't paying attention to how many people were recording  everything that happened. I was so embarrassed. I never go off on people like that but when you try me, I get pissed. I ran away from the crowd. After the crowd was gone, I start to walk to get a cab. I been walking for a good two minutes. I pulled out my cigarette and took a drag. I hear footsteps behind me so I turned around. I figured it was somebody from the crowd. "What do you wan-" then I see Gus. I stop walking and just stand there. "Hey I'm sorry about what happened back there, I saw it all go down while I was preforming . I wanted to say something but I couldn't. I was to detracted by the song, and I didn't want to ruin the show for everyone, just because some people were being assholes. I wanted to check on up you after the show though." He was rambling. I chuckled. "I see that you're fine right now... is your hand ok?" He went to grab my hand. My hand started to shake a little, I was nervous. "Yeah, I'm okay. Thanks though" my voice shook. "Hey, can i get a pull?" I was confused. "A pull of what? I don't have weed on me" he smiled. "Of your cig, it's in your other hand silly" he put my hand down. "Oh... yeah sure, here you go." I handed him the cigarette and started walking away. "Hey! Wait!" I stopped walking and turned around. "What?" "What's your name? My name is Gus by the way... if you didn't know" I realized that I was being rude by just walking away without saying anything. "Oh gosh I'm sorry, my name is Honey" I smiled. He was so adorable. "That's a sweet nameHere, give me your phone"(pun intended) he went in his pocket and took out his phone. I did the same. We traded phones and I put my number in his phone. I put my contact name as "honey🍉" I gave him his  phone back and he did the same. His contact name was "gussy◼️" "gussy huh?" I chuckled. "Yea. What's with the watermelon?" "Don't ask, it's a inside joke."  I laugh and start walking away. Julie is going to flip out when she hears this.

Authors notes: I decided to remake this story. I thought that I can make it much better. I do feel like this is a really long chapter, but long isn't always bad. I'm not going to make the chapters this long often, but i changed so much and added a lot more. If you have any suggestions, tell me!🐣 (I think this story is going to only be in honey's pov, I'm not sure yet)

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