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*the next day*
My alarm goes off again, and i open my eyes. I forgot to turn the snooze on. I hear Julie from the other room watching YouTube. I'm pretty sure she was watching Leafyishere. I turn over I slam the alarm. It read 6:00pm. I actually have to to get up for work. I get up and go to my "cancer draw." I have a draw with all my cigarettes, vape juice, and my prescribed medications. I pull out my vape mod a take a long pull. I start feeling buzzed. I actually go out of my way to pick out a outfit instead of grabbing the first thing I see. I put on my favorite crop top which is black long sleeve with white strings. I pick out my black leggings. They have three cuts on the side. After I grab my clothes and a towel, I head to the bathroom. I open my door and knock on Julie's door. "Julie what are you watching?" "Honey what do you think I'm watching? I'm of course getting my daily dose of Markiplier" "Oh okay Julie, put it down! It's waking me up!" "Shush!" She laughed. I go to the bathroom that's across my room. I set my towel and clothes on the sink and proceed to get undressed. I look myself in the mirror and I actually like how my body looks. That's strange but I don't want to dwell on it. The feeling might go away. Looking at my skinny arms, all the scars give me memories. I proceeded to go turn the water on and waited until it got warm. Not too hot, and not too cold.


After I'm done getting dressed, I walk out the bathroom, towel around my body and my makeup done. I'm totally going to be late to work today. I go for a natural makeup look today, mostly nude colors. I hear moaning from Julie's room. I go to knock on her door. "Julie? What the hell are you doing in there?!" I scream. I still hear moaning from her room but louder. What the hell? I burst into her room. "what the hell are you-" I look at Julie under her blanket with a Markiplier video playing on her tv. It was mark, Ethan, and Tyler. They were talking about dicks, Typical. "Julie what the hell Is wrong with them?" We laugh. "Hey you were the one who ruined my privacy and came in my room" she pops her head out from under the cover. "i would totally fuck Ethan. He's so hot oh my god" I tried to make a sexy face. "Honey if you do shut the fuck up" she started to laugh. "I'm serious!" I just stared at the tv. He's so adorable. "Hey!" Julie said pulling me out of my thoughts. "Sorry Julie. Are you ready? You need to drive me to work." Julie pulled the covers off of her body revealing that she was already ready. Shoes and everything. "I've been ready sis" she said getting off her bed. "Julie hold on! I need to get some shoes on! I'll be right back!" I said practically running out of her room. I go downstairs and get my shoes which are right beside the front door. They are high heel boots. "JULIE! COME ON I'M READY! LET'S GOOOO!" Julie comes running down the stairs with my pink bag on her back. God I love her. I totally forgot about my keys and everything. "Here you go you forgetful bitch" she hands my my bag. Before we leave I check if she remembered to put everything in my bag. Keys? Check. Change of clothes? Check. Back woods? Check. Phone? Check. I take my phone out my bag and see a little plastic bag. She even packed me some filters. "Thanks sissy jul jul"  "no problem. I dropped the phone back in the bag and zipped it up. I forced the bag on her shoulder. Now let's go before you're late for work hon bun" "We both know that I'm already late" "come on hon!" We finally leave. We go to the garage and Julie unlocks her car.  I sit in the front and she opens the back door to throw my bag in the back. I felt kinda cute today. She gets in the driver seat. "Hey Julie?"  "Yo what's up?"  "Imma need you to do something for me.  "What happened? Did you forget something in the house?"  "Nah I was going to ask if you can take a picture for me."  "Oh. Classic honey.Whatever" I give her my phone and she holds it up. "Do a pose" I do what she tells me. "Do another one. You look too stiff. Loosen up a bit." "Okay! Since when were you a photographer?" "Since forever, Now do as I say." I hold up a peace sign. "You look really good!" She shows me the picture. "Thanks j. I appreciate you" "thanks sis, I appreciate me too" I laugh. "Come on let's get you to work" we hop in the car. The car ride was silent. Julie pulled out the aux cord. I reach in the back for my bag and get my phone. I put some peep on. whole car ride I was thinking about peep. How cute he was when he was awkward and how he called me hon. Hon.... why can't I get him out of my mind? I've never felt this strong for someone in so long... maybe because I'm a fan.

Authors notes:
I honestly don't care if nobody reads these buuut, I also want to know if I can make this story any better. For the next few chapters, they're going to getting out there quick. But when I continue from where I left off, the chapters are going to take a lot more work and they're going to come out later. Hope you understand! 🐣🐣

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