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I call a cab and start going home. I had this big smile on my face the whole ride. We arrived at my destination  I gave the driver $20 and told him to keep it, even though the fair was $10. When I walked up to my door I put my hand on the doorknob and took a deep breath. Every thing that  just happened is replying in my head. That's when I realized that i didn't clean any of my wounds. No wonder he was staring at my hands for so long. I stop spacing out and knock on the door three times. Julie always keeps the door unlocked, because we loose our keys so much. we always knock on the door in a certain way, that way we know it's one of our own. after knocking, I open the door. Julie was sitting on the couch watching tv. I tried to keep my best straight face. "Hi Julie" "What happened to you at the concert?  You smashed?" She joked. I ran to the couch and jumped next to her. "Well, what happened? Spill the tea I'm listening!" She said. So I did, telling her everything. Every word I said the more shocked she became. After I told her she screamed. "you have his number honey! What are you going to do? What are you going to say? Are you going to text him? Are you going to hang out with him? Can I come?! Please!?" She asked. "Hey, listen chill out I just met him. Just because I like his music and stuff doesn't mean I'm just going to have sex with him for recognition." I kept my straight face. "I'm sorry Hon... I mean you do have a point. You know better than that... I hope." She said with a smile. "Well I'm going to go in my room and wallow in my sadness. Just text me if you need me. My door is going to be locked."  "Okays go do what you needs to do." she said with a fake lisp. "Okays bets" I go up the stairs and go to my room. when I walk in, I lock my door and jump on my bed, staring at the ceiling. I don't know what to do. I felt  like the most lucky girl in the world. Lil peep went out of his way just to talk to me. This was amazing! I feel like I should call him or something. But I don't want to bother him. He might be busy. I go to my night stand and pull out a pill bottle. I pop a xan. They go down roughly. I go to the secret box under my bed and pull out some bandages to fix up my cuts. I fight the urge to just cut in my wounds deeper, It's hard though. I have a strong case of depression and the pills only make it worse. When I first started taking the medicine, i started to develop suicidal thoughts. They just gotten worse from then. I put all the medical supplies back in the box . I go back on my bed and just lay there, looking around in my spacey room thinking about things I can fill it up with. Then I get a text from Gus. (Bold and italic is honey italics is peep)

Hey honey what's up?
Nothing much just laying down. Why?
No reason. I just wanted to know if you want to hang out tomorrow. We're going to be in LA fir a few months
Sorry I can't spell apparently
Lol you're good, No need to apologise. I'll see what I can do. I have work tomorrow so it really depends on the time.
You know we don't have to hang out tomorrow if you don't want to you know.It's up to you. I'm free all day tomorrow so anytime is really fine boo
I used you know twice in the same sentence I feel stupid
Boo? I like that lol. Okay we can hang out tomorrow! I'll call you when I'm free. Btw it's fine.
Alright. Cool!
Cool indeed.
I have a question honey
What's up?
Are you sure you're okay? Those seemed really bad
Also please stop using correct punctuation in your tex
It scares me lol
Yeah I'm fine thanks for worrying
Also why tf does punctuation scare you? Weirdo
Read 5:54pm

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