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Julie stops at "Tropical Fantasy Bar & Lounge." This is sadly where I work. It's a shitty Spanish bar that has a lot of creepy old men around there all the time. I go in the afternoon, my job actually starting at 7:00am. It was almost 10. Oops? I always go there early that way I can talk to my coworkers and see what's up. Today that wasn't the case. I hope they were still there. "Come on honey bee, I know that you want to stay here with me and talk about yesterday but you need to go in." She said being sarcastic. "Woah okay there, I'll leave...I'll leave." I tried to sound offended. I get out and slam the door. I saw the look on Julie's face. She HATES when people slam her car door. I walk up to the door and flip her off with a stupid grin on my face. I ran inside the Bar because I know she would get out of the car just to slap me. I walk in and look around.

I sigh and walk behind the counter and go behind Rebecca

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I sigh and walk behind the counter and go behind Rebecca. She's one of the people I work with. I tap her on the shoulder and she quickly turns around. "Honnnneyyyyy?!" She said with a big smile on her face. "Rrrebbeccaaa!" She gives me a light peck on the lips and pulled me into a tight embrace. "I miss you so much honey! I'm sorry for leaving you! I never want to do that again!" "Woah woah woah! Rebecca I miss you too! Your squeezing me too hard! I think I'm dying!" I said laughing. She stops hugging me and gives me the "I'm sorry" look. "It's fine Becca" I said staring at her lips. I don't know why she would do that, she knows that I used to have a crush on her back when I didn't come out. "Hey uh... honey?" "Hmm? Oh sorry. What's up?" I said looking away from her perfectly shaped lips. "I need to go use the bathroom real quick. Can you watch the everything please?" "Go do what you have to do. I got chu" I said smiling at her. I saw her practically running to the bathroom. I pulled up a stool and sat on it. It's not like we're dating or anything but she acts like we do. And weirdly enough, I love when she kisses me. I don't know why I feel like this but I just do. Hopefully I don't like her though. I don't want to ruin the friendship. Ironically, she came back at the perfect time. "Honey, start your shift. I sigh loudly and I push my boobs closer together to make them look bigger. "Should I make my butt look bigger? I don't know how I would do that but whatever attracts the old guys I guess" She slaps my ass. "you look so fucking fine today she said biting her lip. I let it slide this time. We've done more than just kiss many times before so I really didn't mind. "You can't be doing that my whole shift though. People might see." I said. "I'll try. You're just so tempting" she said in a deeper tone. I laugh.


It's probably 6:00pm. The bar starts to get crowded. I don't know what's going on but tips are unusually high today. Some guy with a black hoodie on and black pants came and sat in a chair sighing as he sat down. "Hello! What can I get you today?" I said with a fake smile on my face. "Can I just get something you suggest? "well, what are you feeling? We have top of the house liquor!" Of course I'm going to suggest the most expensive drinks. "I'm not feeling good today. Just make sure it has a lot of liquor in it" His voice cracked. I don't know why, but his voice sounded familiar. He kept his head down. "Okay. Coming right up sweetheart!" I made what he suggested. A lot of liquor. Just to drown those bad feelings. He chugged the shot glass. "I'll take five more" I did as he asked. Drink after drinking he started to get drunker. He would start to cry the name Layla  and then ask for another drink. The time came for the bar to close. He was the only one there at this moment. I'm cleaning the inside of the glasses and putting them up. I hear a weird slurred voice. Hey! Bartender lady! Can I get three more drinks?" I felt bad. "I'm sorry sir but I already put everything up, We are closing "Excuse me? What the fuck are you doing? GIVE ME MY FUCKING DRINKS!" I tried to contain my calm. "Sir I'm going to explain one more time. We are closing." "FUCK YOU! I WANT TO FORGET! Please..." he went on his knees and started to cry. I quickly put my cloth down and ran to him. I felt really bad. "Hey listen... there is no need to cry. Whatever is going on I sure it will get better. Don't give up. What's your name?" I asked, worry in my voice. "My name is~" he pulls out a switch blade. "My name is give me my drink!" I quickly go behind the counter with my hands up. There was always a button under the counter, just incase. He stares at me the entire time. Rebecca comes out of the back and stands next to me hands, in the air. "Please don't hurt us!" I say scared shitless. He takes off his hoodie. He's.... he looks like Travis! Mitch Grassi's ex boyfriend! "Travis?" I was shocked. "Honey?" He pulled out his wallet and dropped $300 on the counter. Thank you so much sir!" Rebecca said putting her hands out of the air. "Honey. You never saw me. You don't know me. If you tell anyone, I'll kill you." He points at me. "Remember that" he runs out the door. It was dark outside so nobody wouldn't be able to see much from outside. I was putting my cloth up and getting my pink bag to go home. By that time it was 3:00am. "Rebecca that was crazy." I said putting all my tips including the three hundred dollars in my bag. " I know! We could've gotten stabbed!" "Well I'm glad we didn't Becca" She laughs. "So you going to be here tomorrow for work?" I ask. "Yeah I have to come so we'll see each other" "that's cool. Well imma head home. I love you re!" I love you too hon." She said smiling. I don't know why I did this but I went to her. I stared into her eyes. She did the same back . I cup her face and caress her cheek. "Hey Rebecca?" "Yes honey...?" "Are you going to just ignore what he said?" "Honey, what do you mean?" "Becca that was Mitch Grassi's ex" "whatever hon" she sounded mad. "I'll just go" I grab my bag and I walk out.


When I walk in the house, Julie was passed out on the couch. I go upstairs and get a blanket from my closet. I run downstairs and put the blanket one Julie. I stare at her for a bit. Julie has always been there for me. She never treated my differently because of my mental health. She's my best friend. "Julie... where would I be without you" I thought aloud. "AAAHAHAHAH YOU LOVE ME!" Julie popped up and started to hit me. "JUILE SHUT UP" I start to hit her back. Then I remembered. I was supposed to hang out with peep today! Fuck.

Authors notes:
Yooooo what's up? This story is coming along! I hope I can keep up the storyline. Send suggestions!🐣

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2019 ⏰

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