"Figure shit out"

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"Tori, enough! Your going to go to summer camp wether you like it or not. I don't care what you saw your father do. We just need to figure shit out and you can't be here for it." Tori glares furiously at her mother and she shoves the remainder of clothes from her small closet into her duffel bag.

"No mom, I deserve to be here. You are my parents and I deserve to know what the fuck is going on between you two! What do you guys have an open marriage or some shit?" She growls slinging the duffel bag over her shoulder.

Her mother sighs and pinches the bridge of her nose in frustration. "It's hard to explain Victoria." Completely done with the subject she changes it almost instantly, "Do you have everything you need?" Tori only nods and stomps downstairs shoving past her father.

"I'm guessing she's still mad huh?" Amanda slaps her husband and glares harshly at him. Tori ignores the two and continues outside, preparing to load her bike onto the pickup truck out front. Once everything she needed was inside the small truck she hopped in as well, waiting for her father to drive her.

"Hey Tor, I know what you saw was kind of, y'know, a bit weird seeing your old man having intercourse with another woma-"

"Dad I'm old enough to know what cheating and sex is. Just drive me to this damn camp so I don't have to see you for a while." Her father looks down solemnly and starts the car driving out to the middle of nowhere.


"Have fun, I love you." Her father says as she starts to walk away.

"Love you too I guess." she shrugs and continues towards camp.

~Tori POV~

I stop at the front and look around, kids are running around laughing, smiling and playing. Counsellors are running around and trying to talk to kids. Speaking of, a tall man is stood in front of me, in his twenties i'm guessing. He sticks his hand out and smiles slyly almost. I give a half smile back and shake his hand.

"Tori! I am your leader, Logan. Now if you look around, you'll see some pretty cool things. First interesting thing we have is Carl right here. He is the black man on the campus. Now, look closely we gonna teach you about black culture, pay attention. Ready? Cause we only gonna do this once." Him and another black man do a handshake while making weird grunting noises while doing so. "Snap! That's called the black man handshake." I chuckle a little and he continues, "Ok, I don't wanna see you and your little friends doin' that. Only for black people."

'Ight we got music over here. C'mon Tori dance a lil' bit, c'mon you know how to dance!" I shake my head and cringe at the sight of Logan dancing. "Alright, moving on. Uh, this, this is Conrad right here, okay. Conrad, he's a little... he's a little special." I study the blonde, he looked like one of those rockstars from the seventies. I stifle back a laugh as he leans close to my face, I smell booze on his breath and try to prevent myself from gagging.

"What's up shorty." He was most definitely drunk from what I could tell. I shift uncontrollably under his stare and look towards Logan for help.

"Nope, can't call her that. And second of all, put your damn tits away man, second time i've told you today!"

"What these tits?" He starts to move them up and down and I grow even more uncomfortable.

"Don't bounce the titties, I told you to put them away!" Logan tries but fails to cover Conrad's tits while I look away finding interest in my shoes. "Damnit Conrad first the ginger now the girl? Seriously, get a bigger shirt!" I roll my eyes at Logan's failed attempts to cover Conrad and eventually find my way to the dining hall.

I walk up to a creepy guy with a weird moustache and microphone. "And you my dear must be Tori! Welcome, to the Rim of the World adventure camp! Right back there is registration, get checked in, get your cabin number, and we'll sign you up for some afternoon activities! Hey, how's your singin' there darlin'?" I stammer on my answer and he laughs and pats my shoulder. "Our musical this year is Fiddler on the Roof!" he started dancing and singing to a song I had never heard of but then stopped suddenly, startling me. "Wait just a gosh darn second. I think I may have just found my Golde! Your gonna have a great time here missy!" I smile politely and walk away, towards the registration line.

Who the hell is Golde?

I ponder on the question as I stand behind a red headed boy and watch as he attempts to talk to a girl in-front of him in Mandarin. I smile sympathetically as he gets no answer and continue to wait in line.

I'm next in line as the boy in front me walks away and I am left with Logan. "Heyyy wasssup girl!" He attempts to do the black man handshake and I step back and look at him confused. "Ah, that was a test, good job, you passed." he gave me my registration and I smiled at him.

"Thanks Logan."

"Aye no problem homie, keep in touch!" He yells as I walk away. I join the crowd outside and watch the kid from earlier say goodbye to his mom bye singing Ain't No Mountain High Enough. I feel bad for the kid as his mom leaves and we are all watching him.

Maybe this camp isn't so bad.

Falling for you - Rim of the Word ~ Gabriel x readerWhere stories live. Discover now