"Hey, you ok?"

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"Ah, sorry guys, some kid shit the canoe while shooting the rapids." Everyone 'awes' at the woman's news and I as well join in. "Hey, Cosmo, we're gonna need a second hose down here!" I frown and stare at the water tuning everyone else pretty much out. I watch as ZhenZhen leaves and I watch as Alex  follows soon after. I glance over at everyone and notice no ones looking so I rush after them.

"Hey! Wait up!" I holler, catching up to Alex. "Does she know where she's going?"

"No idea." he answers and we continue to run after her and yell her name. "I don't think we should wander this far. Maybe we should go back? Zhenzhen do you know how to get back?" he stopped so I did too and we look around.

"Shit, I think we're lost." I sigh. And continue to look around.

"Hello?" Alex hollers desperately.We stop looking and walk after her once again, Alex phone suddenly starts ringing, scaring the shit out of me. He looks at it and hangs up looking forward once again. Alex wasn't the only one who snuck their phone, I too had mine stuffed in my bra so no one could see or take it.

"Ooh!" we both turn in sync and see Dariush climb out from behind a tree. I roll my eyes and raise an eyebrow at the dark skinned boy.

"What're you doing here?" I ask, looking at him confused.

"Just dropped a deuce. Shit I just took back there, been touching cloth since last night." He nods, "Yea."

"What?" Alex and I ask at the same time. He looks at us then looks around.

"Between me and you two, I just turned the evergreens brown up in this joint."

I cringe in disgust and shake my head. "Your disgusting." My nose scrunches and my eyebrows furrow as he walks towards us and grabs Alex. "Hey, let him go!"

"C'mere, lemme talk to you for a minute." Alex freaks out and continues to say don't touch me as Dariush continues to pull him and drag him. "Come on. It's exposure therapy."

I glare at the pudgy boy and try prying him off Alex but to no use he just keeps pulling him. "I'm gonna help you conquer your fear." I shout at him as Alex tries to get out of his grip but again to no avail he pushes Alex near an edge. I yell and hit him constantly smacking him and punching his side. Still,  he never let go.

"Dariush let him go!" I holler, he ignores me and keeps dragging Alex to the edge.

"I'm helping you! Calm down. It's ok I got you! Look down. I'm tryin' to help you! Hey, blonde, get the hell off." Alex continues to cry out in fear as I try to, again, pry Dariush off him. "Yeah you can! I'm trying to help! Calm down, man." I tear up and start hitting Dariush, "Hey! quit that girl! Damn!" he shoved me to the ground harshly and I land on the ground with a thud and let out a groan as I hit my head on a rock.

"Ow." I growl as someone helps me up. I hold the back of my head as I turn quickly to see a boy around my age. He holds out his hands and helps me up as I smile in gratitude. "Thanks... I'm Tori."

"Gabriel." he says and looks towards Alex and Dariush, "Is everything ok?" I shake my head and instantly wince in pain taking my hand away from my head, hand soaked in blood. I hide my hand and tear my shirt making a make-shift bandage, wrapping it around my head.

"Hey, you ok?" he asks reaching for my head. I flinch but let him check it. "You should go back and get this cleaned up. I'll take care of these two."

I shake my head and put pressure on my cut. "No, no. I'll stay here to check on Alex."

Gabriel looks at them and nods walking over to the two boys. "Let him go!" both boys stop, and slowly turn to see Gabriel and a pissed off me. "Let him go."

Dariush sighs and looks around, "Move along, mountain hobo. We've got no qualms with you." I glare at Dariush's remark and cross my arms ready to charge him.

"No, no no! Help me, help me!" Alex screams more and I try to rush forward but Gabriel stops me. I look at him and see him looking back tilting his head toward mine, reminding me of my injury.

He looks back towards the boys and glares at Dariush, "I'm not gonna ask you again." I admire the boys bravery and take in his features.

And damn was he good looking.

Falling for you - Rim of the Word ~ Gabriel x readerWhere stories live. Discover now