Several Showers

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"Gladion..." you finish.
"What about me?" Gladion says, his eyes stone-cold, putting only a few inches between your faces.
"Your breath stinks."
"Nothing," you say, Gladion's slow breathing warming your face, "but that's beside the point. Lillie set us up..."
"What do you mean?"
"Lillie. Set. Us. Up. On. A. Date. Better?"
Gladion turns around, whacking your face with his hair. You groan and sit at the table. He fidgets with his phone for a moment and curses under his breath. You pull out a pokéball and your drowsy Pikachu pops out. You place him onto your lap and gently stroke his back his eyelids fall shut as you massage him.
Gladion finally turns to look at you and Pikachu. You smile at him and look back down at Pikachu, the hat that you found him in covering his tiny face. Gladion continues to pace the room, all the while mumbling something and flailing around.
"(Y/N)! Can you not hear me?" Gladion spits at you.
"Hm?" you say, averting your eyes from Pikachu and wiping your face.
"I asked if you wanted me to take you home?"
"Oh," your eyes widen, "sure."
You put Pikachu back in his pokéball. Gladion walks outside and continues his earlier routine. You sling your bag over your shoulder and sigh. You really wanted those Malasadas, but, it is what it is... You walk out into the frosty night air, sporting a slouch and furrowed eyebrows.
"First I don't get to eat, now Alola decides to have winter when I don't have a jacket?" your shoulders droop even more.
"You don't have a jacket?" Gladion rolls his eyes.
"I did, but I gave it to Lillie... I'm so stupid! Or maybe I'm just sleep-deprived from all the work as Champion... I'm honestly not sure," you tug at your hair a bit.
"You are kind of an airhead, still," Gladion slips his cotton sweatshirt into your hands, "even more of a reason for you to sleep more than two hours a day."
"That's the most backhanded thing anyone has ever said to me Gladion," you ruffle his hair.
"Shut up will you," he whacks your hand away.
"Me? Shut up? No way G," you pull his hoodie over your head and spin around.
"G? Where did that come from?"
"It's a nickname! Isn't it cute?"
"No, not at all..."
"It's not like nicknames can be handsome or something, that isn't how English works."
"Like you know 'how English works'. You're ridiculous..."
"You know I'm only being like this to get a reaction out of you, right?"
"Ugh, whatever..."
"Chill G, I'm messing around."
"Don't call me that ever again..."
"Geez, fine G-ladion!"
"Better than nothing I guess..."
A droplet of water plops onto your face. You hold out your hand and more water falls into your palm. A ring and vibration harmonize in your bag. You reach your hand into the bag, wriggling it past your clothes, finally clasping your fingers around your phone.
You pull your phone out and see Lillie's face in a circle on your screen. You groan and press the red decline button.
"Lillie is the last person I want to talk to right now..."
"Um, your clothes," Gladion points at your crumpled shorts and tank that are soaking up mud.
"Crap! Thank god I'm going home right-"a clap of thunder resounded in the distance.
"Great... How far is your place?"
"Um... Like three-ish miles...?" you say, grabbing your tattered clothes.
"Guess you'll have to stay with me for a few hours," Gladion grabs your wrist and drags you towards Route 2.
"I can manage, you don't have to..."
"There's no way in hell that I'd let you walk three miles home when there's thunder outside," he tugs at your wrist even harder.
"Fine, but I can walk on my own! I'm not so dense that I can't follow you to a motel..."
Another vibration rings from your phone. It was Lillie yet again. You groan and move your finger towards the red button. Gladion snatches your phone and Lillie's voice booms from the speaker.
"Are you enjoying your date?" she giggles.
"I really hate you," you and Gladion say in unison.
"I was counting on it! It seems my plan has worked perfectly because you're together now."
"What the hell are you trying at Lillie?" Gladion clutched my phone tightly.
"I'm not trying at anything. Besides, I know how (Y/N) just loves your dreamy, sea-foam green eyes."
"As if, I never said that. Besides, his eyes are definitely closer to a pear green."
"Only someone who's in love with him would know that..."
"Not true. You should know what color your brother's eyes are, especially since you have the same eye color... Just meet us at the motel when the rain stops."
"The weather report says it's gonna stop tomorrow. So I guess you're gonna have to stay the night with my brother. I hope you guys have a good night! Promise to make me lots of nieces and nephews!"
"We are not gonna do that..." Gladion growls and turns away.
"Just come get me in the morning," you hang up.
"That was annoying..." Gladion rubbed his temple.
"Yeah...Well, I should go," you start to walk away.
"Oh no you don't," Gladion grabs your wrist again and drags you further up Route 2.
"I tried," you shrugged and followed him, "wait, don't you stay at Akala island?"
"Well, I came here to visit Lillie," Gladion stopped in front of the door to his room.
"Let me guess, she asked you to?"
"Actually, she didn't. I wanted to surprise her, but it's like she already knew I was coming..."
"Yeah," Gladion unlocks and opens the door.
You sigh and let your bag thump onto the floor. Gladion falls onto his bed and shoves his face into one of the pillows. You smile as he gently kicks his feet at the edge of the bed.
"Hey Gladion, may I please use your shower? I feel bad about imposing and all, but, I need a hot shower right now..."
"Sure, you didn't even need to ask. There should be some towels and sub-par shampoo in there already."
"Thanks! Must be lonely living by yourself."
"Not really, but still, it has its perks."
"Perks? Like what? Being able to-"
"I'm gonna stop you right there."
"Why? I was only gonna say..."
"It's cuz you'd-"
"Shut up."
"What? I didn't think that's what you were gonna say... Besides, it's not stupid, it's cool..."
"One, it is not cool, and two, please do not use the word cool, say chill."
"Is that one of your obscure musical references..?"
"Pfft, you're ridiculous! Go take your dumb shower."
"Fine, you're no fun..."
"I could care less."
"I need clothes cuz the ones in my bag are dirty. Fork them over G-ladion."
"Thanks, weirdo," you give him a joking kiss on the forehead.
"Ew, can you not?"
"You're so rude."
"I know."
As you climb out of the shower, the cold air pierces your bare skin. The towel beckons you to wrap its warm, cotton cloth around you. The thought of warmth turns the air twice as cold when your thoughts wander. You exhale and let the steam dissolve before putting on the clothes Gladion lent you.
"I'm done Gla-"
Gladion is taking his shirt off, but before you can turn around and apologize, you see a fresh cut on Gladion's pale chest. You scramble over to him. The scrape cut an inch deep and stretched eight long.
"How did this happen," your earlier cheery, singsong voice turning dead serious, "did someone do this to you?"

Bakery Night - Gladion × Reader {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now