‣‍ ‍ ‍ ‍apartment.

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Scenario 1:
I just moved in next door; I think you're cute, but I have no idea how to flirt with you, so I knock on your door a lot. I bail before you answer, so you probably just think there's someone who won't stop playing ding-dong-ditch.

Scenario 2:
You just moved in next door; I don't know you all that well, but you're drunk and crying on the floor outside your door because you can't unlock it, so uh.., is there anything I can do??

Scenario 3:
You just moved in next door; you're constantly hosting parties at your place. It honestly hurts my feelings that you won't invite me to them, yet you'll invite everyone else on the floor, so?? What's that about??

Scenario 4:
We were best friends when we moved in together; but living with you has made me realize I don't want a platonic relationship with you anymore? And I don't know how to handle that without ruining our friendship.

Scenario 5:
I put an ad out for a roommate because I couldn't afford rent, and you seemed so nice at first, but you're honestly not?? But, I still want to fuck you, is that weird?

©️ — harleenqzel//tumblr


Open to pairing suggestions, but prefer:

Bunny (can do either, prefer Butters)
Crenny (can do either, prefer Craig)
Creek (can do either, no preference)
Cryde (prefer Clyde)
and Style (prefer Kyle).

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