‣‍ ‍ ‍ ‍urban legends.

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Comment a letter as well as the pairing and/or who you would like to be. I can muse Butters, Tweek, Craig, Kenny, and Kyle!


A. (The Black Dog)

One muse approaches the other, anxious and concerned about a mysterious, hulking black dog that has been following them all day. They realize that seeing the black dog is an omen of impending death.

B. (Hook Handed Man)

Our muses are out for a drive and stop somewhere private, but are quickly spooked by eerie scratches against the back of the car.

C. (La Llorona)

One of our muses is strolling by the river, when they hear ghostly weeping. It's the other muse, mourning the loss of their family long after death.

D. (Deadly Wedding Dress)

Our muses are getting married. They've been fitted for their outfits, but at the ceremony, one of our muses begins to struggle with their breath and collapses at the altar. Later, they find that the dress/suit they wore was laced with embalming chemicals, and had been sold to them by a graverobber.

E. (Humans Can Lick Too)

One of our muses is home alone, dozing off to sleep, when they hear movement beneath their bed. The other muse is hiding after breaking in to their home, but they assume it's simply their pet.

F. (Mothman)

One night, our muses both see a creature with red eyes and huge wings outside their home(s). Afterwards, they're unable to escape odd sightings and continued paranormal experiences.

G. (The Goat Man)

Our muses are driving/riding bikes through a woodland area, when they hear hooves following behind them. Whatever it is, it's certainly not completely human.

H. (Lover's Lane)

One of our muses is left alone in a broken-down car after their date leaves to find a gas station, but they don't realize the other muse is outside of the car, circling them. (Alternative: one of the muses is the date)

I. (Michigan Dogman)

While camping, one of our muses comes face-to-face with the other muse, who has been mutated with an animal head upon a human body.

J. (Organ Market)

Our muses meet at a bar/party/etc, get some drinks, and have great chemistry. However, after falling unconscious, one of our muses wakes to find themselves in a bathtub with painful stitching up their side. Horrified, they realize their date has kidnapped them and harvested one of their organs.

K. (The Clown Statue)

Our muses are baby/pet-sitting for a mutual friend, but are disturbed by an odd doll sitting up in a rocking chair in the master bedroom. A doll that seems to enjoy moving around. The second muse may be a friend or even the clown.

L. (Ghost Children of Munger Road)

Our muses have heard the story that if you put baby powder on the back of your car and stop at a train track, little hands will push it off the tracks. They decided to test it, and get results.

M. (Black Aggie)

After walking by a statue of a woman in grief, our muses begin having odd, spooky, and unlucky experiences.

N. (Bunnyman Bridge)

After hearing stories of an old tunnel haunted by the ghost of a serial killer, our muses decide to investigate.

O. (Calling #666)

As a fun test, our muses find a phone number listed online along with a spooky warning. They decide to call the number, but end up getting some very scary messages, and possibly a visitor later that night.

P. (The Call is Coming from Inside the House)

One muse is sitting at home when they start to get strange phone calls. The calls are a bit creepy, but harmless at first, before eventually making them highly uncomfortable. They'll eventually learn that the other muse is calling from a second phone upstairs.

Q. (Midnight Game)

After seeing a creepy game listed online, our muses decide to try summoning a malicious spirit at midnight, putting themselves at risk until morning.

R. (Bloody Mary)

One or both of our muses are pulling an all-nighter together when they decide to play some old mirror games. Of course, Bloody Mary is a trusted go-to. They don't expect it may actually work, though. (Second muse may be a friend or the ghost in the mirror).

S. (High Beams)

While driving home late at night, one of our muses is blinded by the car behind them shining high beams every few seconds. They don't realize the driver is trying to warn them of a person with a knife in the back seat. (The second muse could be the driver, or the knife-wielder).

T. (Vanishing Hitchhiker)

One of our muses is driving late at night when they spot the other muse dressed in torn clothes, dirty, and wet in the rain, holding out their arm for a ride. Whether or not they suspect something eerie, they decide to stop and see if they need help.

U. (Baby Monitor)

Our muses are new parents, and have set up a monitor to listen to the baby from the next room. However, they start to get uncomfortable when they hear a voice singing a lullaby on the other end that doesn't belong to their partner.

V. (Black Eyed Children)

Late it the evening, one of our muses answers the door to see a child with a hood over their eyes asking to come inside. They begin to demand and pressure the muse until they feel very threatened. The other muse could be in the home or could be the child outside.

W. (The Crying Boy)

At an art show, our muses/one of our muses decide to buy a sorrowful but very magnetic painting that was found in the ashes of a burned building. As soon as they bring it home, however, they begin to notice supernatural events, poltergeist activity, and even begin to grow obsessed and defensive when the other muse suggests they get rid of the painting.

X. (Facebook Friends)

One of our muses has died, and the other is still in mourning when they start getting messages on social media from their account. What looks like a prank at first starts to get eerie as the deceased muse starts conversations only the two of them would have, perhaps even about secrets surrounding their own death. (Bonus creepiness: the living muse starts to see their deceased friend tagged in photos, always in an empty space right behind them).

Y. (Melonheads)

While on a deserted road, possibly lost, our muses grow uncomfortable after being warned of mutated humanoids that stalk the dirt road looking for people to run off the road and kidnap.

Z. (Chain Mail)

One or both of our muses get a scary story emailed to them, which begs them to share with their friends. One of them ignores it, and calls the other in a panic when they begin to hear and see strange things in their home.

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