Chapter 4: Rest Recovery Revenge

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you and the doll laid in silence while you stroked his poffy ginger hair and keep your lips pressed to his forehead, craddling in a tender embrace with a glorified freckled killing machine, but the peek of his emotional side earlier seemed to hint at something deeper stored in the cynical mind of this street minded murderer, and something else about him also made you curious to know more. the best best way to avoid the enemy is always to be right under their nose and a step ahead...this as close as it gets. as much as you want Chucky to feel like he's gotten vengence, you don't want him to kill or get killed, and you felt torn between helping him and protecting him, which protected you by proxy. 

Chuck sat up and pressed at his temples and rubbed at his eyes like he was getting a migrane."ggghh...we need to hurry up and get dressed so we can get to a hotel or somethin, I need to make a phone call." the doll gruffed, trying to shake off the pain, struggling to  keep focused and on task.

you help the doll off the bed and look into the wardrobe, thinking to just grab a polo shirt and re-wear the jeans you had on before. you find a leather jacket with Roses on it you find a decent white shortsleeve dress shirt that will do the trick of pulling the whole look together, you  try to find something you could possiby alter to fit Chucky, poking around on a shelf and finding a pair of  jean shorts and a small womens sized Sound Garden shirt, that was a bit tattered, and a Nirvana shirt that looked fine in the front but totally shredded in the back, and it gave you an idea. "hey Chuck, you like Rock Music?" you say holding up the shirt, he looks at it a moment, inspecting it before saying "aint mine, proly one of Eddies bitches left it here." he lifts up and looks at the pair of jean shorts a bit melancholy "I remember wearing these to Barbecues that Barb and Nikas dad would put on...too bad niether parents ever got to appreciate seeing their girls grow into such fine bitches~" he chuckles to himself "barb not so much, but Nika definitely is a looker, Tiff certainly ain't complaining." he puts his body through an entire pant leg and sighs.

you watch him being a bit silly, snickering as you lift the shorts off of him and put it with the SG shirt on the bed. "I'll get spruced up the best I can real quick, the I'll do some tailoring and make you something to wear~" you say, picking him up without warning and placing him on the bed.             

"whoa, fucking warn a guy!" he grumbles, lifting the black shirt and holding it to himself,unsure if the shirt would really fit.he ends up looking over to you as you step into and tug on your pants, shimmying a little as you zip the fly and button the jeans closed, the fabric hugging your curved buttocks. little glassy eyes stare as you put on Chucks old polo dress shirt, realizing the material brazes  your nipples uncomfortably. You pause a moment before looking back at your torn tee-shirt on the bed next to Chucky's now oversized shorts. Suddenly you get the idea to break out the thread once more.

Taking off the Polo shirt and throwing it at the Dolls face, the ginger imp cursing at you as you sit on the bed, pulling out the sewing implements and fixing the front of your tee, making it look like a V neck, embroidering a cat face emoji close to the fix as a sort of signature, you look over to see the nude little imp reaching out to grope your breast.

You quirk a brow at him and straighten up, showing him your handiwork. "What you think? Cute right?" you smile warmly to the doll, who looks off to the side bashfully muttering a "yeah, s'good.." before laying down on his stomach, spreading out on the bed.

You hesitantly reach out to rub his little back, Chuck flinches suddenly and lifts his head to look at you, growling before settling back down into the sheets. You take a moment to look over your impromptu surgery on his shoulder, it looked to be more or less fully healed but they healed and scarred around the stitches so you decide to leave them in. You rub his little shoulders and back, staring in awe as the mix of real flesh and toylike vinyl, poking the battery compartment examining the screws feeling the small skeletal system underneath. Chucky blushes and stirs underneath your touch, unsure whether or not he likes it. "C-careful, it's a lil tender...I haven't exactly been able to care for myself very well after I escaped the evidence examination room." He huffs, blue eyes hazing over in the beginnings of feeling pleasure and relaxation. He gives a weak groan as he closes his eyes and grips the sheets and blushes harder. You stay silent and continue your massage, performing a lower back massage that your mother used to use on you when you were little to help relieve menstral cramps. The doll nearly lifts his head off the bed, moaning as you rub circles into his hip bones "holy fuck, whatta ya doin' to me?!" he crys as you place a hand to the middle of his back, pressing hard until you feel a crunch, he keens as you pop his entire spine in one move, causing him to ahego (eyes rolled back tongue out) in ecstasy as he crumples into the bed sheets, mind completely blank with pleasure. "Hhh...hhh...I'll pay you back for this, (Y/N)!!!" Chucky snarls as he regains his senses.

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