Chapter 11: Psycho Shower Scene~

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( all the jokes about getting 'stabbed repeatedly' in the shower~ X'3 )

"Really? just look at me, Kitten! I'm made of rubber!"

you look down suspiciously at the horny doll panting between your legs, hands gripped to your thighs while he rubs the tip of his dick against your clit, causing bead after bead of precum to roll down your labia and into your innermost parts, sending a chill down your spine and driving you absolutely mad with lust as if something has come over you.

"at this point I don't care if you're made of rubber, wood, or cold hard metal, I'm so horny right now, I can barely think! how can you be riling me up so much???" you pant out, grabbing the toy by the hips to halt his thrusting momentarily

"maybe someone's a little lonelier than she thought, huh?" Chucky quips, giving a self-assured smug look at you, hips still twitching against your own as you struggle to restrain him. "mystery solved, now can we please continue? for fucks sake you aren't the only one absurdly pent-up here!" You were going to argue back, but couldn'thelp but notice the cute pleading look in those glassy baby blues "...oh, all right..just be gentle at first, okay?" you finally give in and let go of your grip on the doll's hips, slouching back and submitting yourself to your supernatural captor.

"no promises Doll, you're looking super fuck'n HOT right now, my god!" exclaims, cackling as he finally enters you, a moan draws out from you as he hilts you, "fuck, (Y/N) you feel amazing...fits like a goddamn glove~!" he sighs out, slowly backing out before thrusting his hips back into yours with a grunt. "a-ah..Chucky, please!" you cry, using your heels to press into his hips and drive his movements a bit, rocking against him as you spur him on. "I need you, right now~!!" you mewl out as you reach out to grab onto his hips with both your hands, practically toying yourself with him and making him totally thrown off balance my your zealous ministrations.

"whoa, whoa! WHOOAA!" the doll exclaims, clinging to your thighs for dear life, leaving small scratch marks from being suddenly jostled by your enthusiasm. "fuckin' Relaaax Kitten, I was just getting into the groove, don't throw me off again or I'll strangle you to death with one of these shitty, scratchy Motel towels!" he gruffed, spanking you directly on the ass to further press his point, causing you to mewl out at the tiny stinging red hand-print left behind.

"s-sorry Chucky, maybe you're right, I've been needing this more than I thought..." you smile sheepishly at the sternly aroused doll slowly driving in, hilting, pulling out, and repeating the torturous pace once more, making you squirm and huff out a bit, lifting your hips to meet his as he slowly sheathed himself into you and rests a moment.

"oh am I, Kitten?" Chucky Cackles, staying hilted. you could feel him as he throbbed, pumping more and more precum out as he began to push your ass more into the air, getting on his toes as he slips even more deep than you ever thought possible, especially him of all creatures finding his way back almost touching the cervix. you were grateful he couldn't reach your Cervix because it was extremely sensitive and would make you cry and moan like an enthused Porn Star. "hopefully I'm helping you as much as you're helping me...I know we should probably hurry, but fuck if you ain't the tightest thing I felt since Tiff's new minge..this tops that by a fuckin' looongshot!" he crouches over you as far as his stubby legs allow, sighing your name as he rears up, getting ready to pound you so hard you'd see stars in your vision. "get ready Kitten, cause I'm fixin' tah make ya cry 'UNCLE!'" he throws his head back, cackling under the downpour of the steamy shower water as he thrusts HARD into you, making you squeak out in surprise "c-Chuckyyy~" you cry out, legs twitching in the air as you start to feel warmth build in your nethers, a tingling wave of pleasure coursing through you.

whatever you were feeling you had a sense that he was feeling it too, the noises coming from him as he tries his hardest to Dom you were absolutely Feral, with swearing interspersed for 'FlAvOr'. you sounding a little primal there yourself and you couldn't tell if he was making you moan like a Cam Whore or just a regular one. you laid back, using the towel throne as more of a pillow and shoulder rest than a throne, fully submersing yourself under the shower stream and causing Chuck to suddenly stop thrusting as he slid back holding on for dear life and determined to remain hilted into you by the menacing glow of his Chilling Ice Blue eyes in the haze of steam. "jeeze, maybe warn a guy when he's about to be slid halfway back to the other side of the bathroom, will yah?" he grunted, resorting to digging his small claws into you more as he resumes his merciless pounding.

"a-ah, sorry Chuck..just felt a lil dizzy 's all.." absolutely fucked silly by this doll, you smile past your bosom and sopping wet enlewded form at the Doll re-adjusting and continuing his dubious advantage claim over your freshly bred and bonded body, snarling as he slicks his hair back from the Shower water, putting a scary amount of focus on the task at hand. it was all you could do to just lay there panting, reduced to a softly moaning mess yet again. "really tested my patience with that stunt, Doll..hff, yer jus' lucky this new angle feels so fucking great~" he nearly purrs as the stretches out this legs a bit more, baring over you with the damning dick and fucking speed of a demon, huffing out quietly as he continues to glare and sneer at you from his viewpoint barely past your tits. "oh Chuck, I-I think I might..nff.." you bite down on your lower lip, much too bashful to admit you felt like you were close to cumming. somehow after you merely blurted your desparation as you were building towards Qlimax, Chucky took it as his cue to go faster and harder, actually managing to reach your cervix, pounding you so hard while growling so ferociously you could swear he was becoming a total beast. he slams you so hard and fast stars cloud your vision. "uu-u-uuUH~" you mewled out, the barrage of pain mixed with pleasure was becoming too much, and you couldn't hardly bear it any longer, you reached up and slapped Chucky's ass as you came, hard "UNCLE!!! UNCLEE!! I GIVE I GIVE!" you lay back, kegles pulsating and squeezing around Chucky's member, encouraging the doll to cum inside of you. all of a sudden you have a vivid hallucinaton of a creature concealed in the shower steam, bearing glowing pumpkin-orange eyes and row after row of long sharp fangs, tentacles also emerging from the mist, looking ready to strike and wrap you and Chucky up into eternal darkness. this sent you flying into a panic, making you sit up and point at the phantasm, gasping aloud squeaking 'look! loook!' pointing frantically behind the Killer Doll. "what?" Chuck snarled, annoyed at the interruption." "theres something behind you!" you manage to blurt out, bringing your hands to your face in fear, your vag putting Chuck's cock in a vice grip as he still had himself hilted in you, he looks back and sees nothing, shrugging as he rears up to finish off inside when he suddenly lets out a gasp himself, pulling out of you as he rubbing his cock like there was something on it that you couldn't see, it was Chucky's turn to hallucinate as he saw inky black syrupy liquid pour out of (Y/N)'s vagina, covering his dick, hand, front of his legs and his new partners's thighs as it pools up under her and slurps down the drain. "the fuck is this???" he whispers, bringing his syrup covered hand closer to his face to get a better whiff, also sampling a small taste by licking the syrup off of one of his fingers.

"fucking Harrow.." he mutters to himself "it's just blackberry juice..right?" he assures himself before rubbing at your entrance, the head of his dick smearing precum all over your clit as he rubs over it a few times. "'s starting to get all tingly, and cool? what the fuck is this bitch playing at?" he continues to mutter.

you try to regain your composure for like, the third time mouth opening to ask Chucky what he meant by that, only to be abruptly assaulted by the vivid sensations and imagery of having copious amounts of viscous purple fluid flow from your already spent and trembling vagina, too stunned to cry out as the doll enters you again, baring down over you again and the the shower water turning grayish then blue then black, coming out warmer and pelting you and him with a gross gelatinous slime, doing little to stop Chuck from pounding your cervix into mush along with your brain, panting out, hands balling into fists as you felt on the verge of another orgasm, kegles clamping down an milking his cock harder than before, you feel yourself tipping over the edge when you hear something akin to a whip cracking and Chuck screaming out like a branded pig, "AAAAGH!!! THAT WAS MY FUCKING BACK, YOU FUCKING BITCH!" he snarls as he pulls out of you, whipping around and yanking back the shower curtain, leaving you dazed and confused as he stalks out from the shower, inky black fluid overflowing onto the floor, causing you to try to sit up and turn the water off, fearing the colossal mess you'll have to potentially mop up later.

[sorry for the haitus, I got a temp job for a bit, along with preparing for halloween~ get hype for more chapters!]

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