Chapter 8 (edited)

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Still Derek's (pov) 

I ran down to the kitchen and bursted through the door. I seen Jake laying on the floor crying and shaking really bad. He looked so scared. 

"What the fuck happened to my pet?" my voice boomed at them all.

No one said anything. I picked Jake up and sat him on the counted when I heard someone huff.

" so is anyone going to tell me what happened?" i asked them. no one still answered me so I just asked Jake. 

"Jake can you tell me what happened please?" i asked him calmly

"Yes master. I came down here to ask for some food and some chicken soup for Sasha like you asked me to. When all of a sudden that man, he said pointing to the butler, he slapped and punched me and then when I fell he kicked me in the ribs. He told me I wasn't suppose to ask for food. He said I was worthless and didn't need food. So I told him I wasn't worthless and he started yelling at me. I'm sorry master I didn't mean to make him mad." Jake said so scared.

I looked at the butler fuming and yelled at him to be in my office in twenty minutes. I told the maid to get Jake set up with a few ice packs and take him to his room to lay down. when all of a sudden Sasha asked

" master can I go with Jake?" I looked at her and nodded and she took off after Jake and the maid Rose. 

I walked quickly to my office and slammed the door shut after I got inside. The butler James was standing with his head down. I just stood there staring at him till my temper got the best of me and i slapped the shit out of him. 

"Why the fuck would you do that to my pet?" I yelled at him

"I'm sorry sir. I didn't know you sent him." James said

"I told them they had free reign in the house unless I said otherwise. You do not abuse my property. Now get your sorry ass out of my office before I do to you what you did to him!" I told him sternly

He quickly ran out the door and back to his duties. So I made my way to Jake's room to check on him. I may seem like a horrible master but I do care about what happens to my pets. I opened the door to see Jake fast asleep and Sasha playing with his hair while he sleeps. She looked up at me and asked

" master may I stay with Jake tonight I just want to know he's ok?" Sasha asked
I thought about it for a minute and then looked at her.

" you may stay tonight only but no kissing, sexual anything, you sleep on one side and him on the other. do you understand me?" I say

she looked up and said "yes master" 

" good now go get you jammies on and go to bed." i said to her

I made my way to my room to call nick to check on Carrie. 

Ring Ring Ring Ring.....

"hello" Nick said

" hi man. how is Carrie behaving?" i asked him

" She's been crying since we left she has asked four times to come back and I told her if she asked again I was gonna beat her." Nick said

"Good. She needs some better behavior or I will sell her sorry ass. I'm done with her childish bull shit" I told nick

"Alright man I'm gonna go deal with Carrie she's screaming at me to bring her back to you." nick said.

"alright man. beat her ass for disobeying you." i told him honestly

He then hung up. 

Carrie's (pov) 

I can't believe that bastard sent me here. Nick will surely beat the hell out of me. What am I going to do? I want to go back to my master now. I screamed at him


That just pissed him off he came over and yanked me up by my hair and drug me to the basement. He tied me up and got a whip and started whipping the hell out of me for a hour straight. I kept screaming at him so he tied a rope really tight onto my tail and tied the other ended to a machine that would pull my tail ever so often. It was very painful. I begged him to stop but he wouldn't. That stupid machine pulled my tail hard and I screamed in agonizing pain. I think it dislocated my tail. He turned it off and untied me and left me in the basement without feeding me.

Nick walked back in the next morning with a doctor for nekos. The doctor walked over to me and examined my tail.

" this is going to hurt" he says then popped my tail back in place without any numbing medicine.

I started to cry as he used alcohol whips to clean my wounds. He then got up and left without another word. Nick looked at me and scowled and walked away without a word or any food for me.

I just wanted to go back to my master. I promise I'll be a good pet from now on. Just then my master walked in and looked at me. 

"So Carrie tell me how would you like to stay here with nick? If you don't stay here I will be selling you and you may get a new master that's worse than Nick." Master asked 

I busted out into sobs'. " Please master don't leave me here and don't sell me I'll be a good pet I promise" I says

He looked at me for a few minutes.

" Ok Carrie you have one more chance but if you get into trouble one more time your gone. Do you understand me?" He says

"yes master" I said.

And with that we left Nick's house.

We arrived back home and he pulled me out of the car and took me to his office. 

I stood there and waited for him to talk. 

"Look here Carrie you are to stay away from Sasha and Jake. You will stay in your room til I say otherwise. Got it?" Master said

I looked up and answered him " yes master I understand"

" Good now go to your room now!" he yelled.

I took off to my room when I heard laughing coming from Jake's room. Ughhhh I hate them. I will find a way to make master get rid of them I thought to myself. I entered my room to see my bed was missing. I seen a note and picked it up. 

It read. 

Your bed was taken out. You will sleep in your cage til I say otherwise. 


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