Chapter 1

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Spade's POV
   I stood there frozen from where I was standing earlier. The man earlier which I assume is named Fernando then shouted at his son to go back to his room and put on some clothes. He even mentioned to not be rudes to his guests, which I think us. The hot looking guy earlier then went back to his room giving his dad a pissed look. Fernando then guided mom and dad to the living room, he also invited me there but instead of going with them, I asked him where the kitchen is, as my throat feels dry. He then pointed at a certain direction, he gave me instructions but I did not cared as I think I already know where it is. I bowed slightly before I took my leave. I heard him asking my parents with an amused voice if I lived in korea, japan or china, maybe because I bowed to him, but I did not cared to listen to what my parents would answer they already know that I just got used to bowing to my teachers at school.

I took a few turns and strolls as I had my journey to find the kitchen, I slightly regret that I did not listened to his instructions earlier. I then found a white door on the end of one of the halls that I slowly opened making a soft creaking sound. I popped my head in first to see what and who is inside, and there I saw a kitchen counter and a large refrigerator, there is also a water dispencer beside the fridge, so I took a glass from the kitchen counter and filled it with cold water. I gulped it down as I feel refreshed from inside. The kitchen is neat with the marble floors glistening. I walked and investigated the kitchen, wondering how it was kept so clean when there is actually no maids that I saw or met since earlier. My eyes then darted to the door as it opened revealing the son of Fernando now in a plain white shirt and still his boxers.

"Oh, why are you here? Are you lost? Want me to escort you back to the living room?" He asked, as the sun from outside the window hits his tanned skin making it  brighten up. His hair was messy, as he stared at me with those bored hazelnut brown eyes.

"Yo man, am asking you, wait... are you mute?" I was put to a stop from my observing as his deep voice echoed through the room.

"No, and I can go back there by myself, thank you for your concern." I said as I made my way to the door. He then once again spoke with his deep voice that eliminated the deafening silence.

"What is your name?" He asks. I looked through my shoulder and saw him leaning on the kitchen counter.

"Spade." I answered then opens the door as I exited the room, but before the door closed I heard him say something which I assume is his name.

"Uno." A smile crept to my face as soon as the door clicked indicating that it is now closed. I see, he is a bit kind.

I went back to the living room and asked Fernando once again, where my room is that made him chuckle amused. He pointed upstairs beside the room at the end of the hallway. I pulled my luggage with me just beside mom that gave me the 'You're rude' look. I then made my way upstairs carrying it since it is impossible going upstairs with this in my hands without doing so. I entered the room, loving the smell of it. It has this scent of an old and untouched room. I opened the lights that illuminated through the whole room. It is neat I may say. I put my luggage at the bed as I opened it and take my clothes out, arranging it at the nearby closet. After doing so I plopped myself on the king sized bed, letting myself sink in its white and soft sheets. The fabric is nice, I like the feel of it against my skin. I fixed my position on the bed, laying down with my earphones in my ears, a taylor swift song playing. The fatigue from the long flight then took its toll making my vision spin as I slowly lose consciousness. I woke up as I felt someone tap on my shoulders.

"Five more minutes mom." I whined.

"Hey wake up, dinner is ready. And I'm not your mother." My eyes harshly opened as I quickly perked up, as I realized that the voice was rather deep than the usual high pitched voice of mom. Then there standing right in front of me is Uno looking like a dinner himself.
"Why are you in my room?" I sternly asked him meeting his bored eyes with glares.

"They told me to wake you up." He said with a very uninterested voice.

"Don't you even know the word knock?" I sarcastically asked as I stood up and put my slippers on, I made my way to the closet as I rummaged through my clothes.

"I did knocked for a good 15 minutes but one stupid teenager had his earphones plugged." He backfired at me. I stopped as I realized that I was wrong there.

"Sorry. Please go out now Ill be after you, just gonna change into some more comfortable clothes." I said politely feeling embarassed to the point that I kept my back face him not wanting him to see my face feeling the harsh embarassment hit me hard. I heard a few footsteps going away then the sound of the door opening and closing before an awkward silence got me on my butt as I got my knees weak.

"You dumbass!" I whispered to myself having mini tantrums by myself. After a few moments I stood up and changed into a pink boxer thats hidden inside a pastel shade of blue oversized t shirt. I then made my way to the door as I went out. When I turned around I gasped surprised to see his figure leaning on the stairs tapping on his phone. He looked at me with impatient and slightly irritated eyes.

"What took you so long?" I only blinked at his question before he irritatedly told me to follow him, turning away, stepping down the stairs. I followed him silently, admiring his body from the back. He is a bit thin I may say, but thats none of my business so I just erased my concerns that is clouding up my head. We reached the dining room without me even noticing that we're there already. I finally saw some old maids preparing and arranging the foods on the table. I sat down beside my parents, Uno sat on the other side of the table. Fernando smiled and told us to start eating, throughout the dinner they were talking about business and stuffs that I don't understand, all I understood was the single phrase that got my attention.

'We'll get going tomorrow by 5am.'

To be continued...

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