Chapter Eight

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" Now, How can we do this? Barge in like the king of the forest and scream ' suckers ' ? "
Funtime Freddy said, Making all of us chuckle and shook our heads at this kind of suggestion

" No, Silly, That would be a bad act of Tarzan. " Funtime Foxy had said, Booping Freddy's nose which made him groan out in displeasure

" You do know that my nose is the sensitive thing on me! " Funtime Freddy complained

" I know, That's why I like booping it around. " Funtime Foxy laughed and kept on booping it like any other human would do if they had seen a loyal and pretty dog

" Alright, Enough of that, Let's get some planning to do. " Ballora had suggested, Pulling out a paper and a pencil

Baby walked forward and grabbed the pencil and began to write the map of the place and along with what to do

" Alright, Here's the plan, Funtime Freddy, Funtime Foxy and Bon Bon, You three take the East Hall, There might be a few nightmares lurking around there so you gotta take them down silently, Try not to alert the other nightmares around the place." Baby discussed, Earning a few nods from the three

" Good, Ballora and Me will take the West Hall, We'll do the same as you three and Springie, You take the vents, As far as I know, No one really likes to hang around the vent area, Nightmare Chica and Nightmare Freddy takes the East Hall, They usually standby there to gossip, Nightmare and Nightmare Fredbear takes the West Hall, They are there to organize stuff and stay away from the others to lessen the noise, Nightmare Bonnie stays in the bedroom, Nightmare BB and Nightmarionne stays at the Northern Hallway. "

She explained, I blinked in confusion and tilted my head gently

" How, Did you knew all of these? " I asked, Pondering as Bon Bon nodded along with confusion

Baby sighed and placed the pencil down onto the paper, Ballora leaned over and placed a gentle hand against Baby's shoulders, Attempting to gain her confidence

" Well, I was part of their group before, We tried to do a tons of evil stuff such as killing children in their sleep, Having fun with our preys and I get to know all of these guys and began to keep an eye on their positions and behaviours, So far, Nightmare is easy to defeat since he can be easily distracted, Nightmare Freddy is hard, He has eyes and ears at every corner, Also known as Freddles. " She explained, We leaned in and gather all the information she spewed out

A few minutes later, We had learned a ton of information about our enemies, Knowing their strengths and weaknesses, Of course, We are fine with Baby being part of the Nightmare Group before, But like I had said, It was in the past and Baby now changed a lot then what I've heard before

" So, You're alright about this kind of mission, Springie? " Bon Bon asked, Sitting on the counter to where I was leaning on, I heaved out a sigh and shook my head

" Not really, I mean it is just saving Foxy right? But, I'm worried about the Nightmares, Baby told us that they are strong and can't be easily pushed down. " I said uneasily

Bon Bon smiled and crawled towards my arm and gently patted my fur

" That's fine Springie, You have us and we would never leave you alone in that place, Not until you got Foxy. "

I smiled and nibbled my bottom lip and huffed

" I do hope we would get him safely, I'm beyond scared to what might happen to him. "

" Spring, Just relax, Alright? Just think about positive things, Like Unicorns! "

" Unicorns aren't a positive thing, They're dangerous, They maybe beautiful, elegant, Gallops on the rainbow or even farts one but, They're dangerous and only used their looks and abilities to lure their preys. "

" Well, I did not know that, That explains why Maria cried when Freddy discussed about Unicorns. "

" Maria? Who that? "

" Oh, That was Freddy's Closest Human Friend that he made when this diner was open before, Maria would bring us gifts such as letters, story books, her drawings and she can sing!, But sadly she was the only reason why this diner was closed. " Bon Bon sighed solemnly

" Oh, What happened? " I asked

Bon Bon frowned before looking up at me and gestured to lean closer to him

I leaned closer and lended my ear to him

" Freddy Engulfed her and let her rot inside his storage tank. " He whispered to me

I blinked and widened my eyes at that, My body shuddered a little bit.

" R-really? He did that? " I asked, I was astonished and in shock

" Well, Not him technically, He was used by a person, Made him move and lure Maria to the backstaged, Every Night, Me and Freddy would try to open his Storage Tank but it was no use, We needed the remote to open up the tank, Freddy was sad and kept crying once the day is over, We were depressed and the breaker room was filled with Maria's decomposing body, Later, An engineer had found out the source of the smell and eventually, The diner was closed forever, The only thing that Maria left for us are her letters and story books, Freddy's Recording of Maria's Singing, We are still sad about that tragedy, We haven't forgiven ourselves for letting that happen but at least we moved on fron that, Glad that she left us happy memories when she was still alive. " Bon Bon sighed and sniffled

" I'm so sorry Bon Bon, I didn't knew. " I pouted and rubbed his ears

He chuckled and smiled, Wiping the tears away from his plastic eyes

" Anyways, We better get going and join the others, They might be training now for the upcoming fight inside the house. " Bon Bon suggested and hopped down from the counter and to the floor, He began to crawl towards the Ballora Gallert where the others had been chattering and training

I pouted and huffed softly, Pulling out the ring that Foxy gave me before the incident happened, I do hope and prayed for the better that he is alright.

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