1. Coffeeshop AU (slight NSFW)

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The morning was brisk and chilly, Shouto notes, as he huddles deeper into his one size too big winter coat

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The morning was brisk and chilly, Shouto notes, as he huddles deeper into his one size too big winter coat. Mornings were always a favorite part of his day, yet the freezing winter cold never actually settled just right with him. As the morning dew froze over with a crunch under his feet, he finds he would rather give anything up to just get to the coffee shop a short walk away from his apartment faster.

The warmth that envelops the white and red haired man was so soothing that he pauses, entering the establishment; eyes fluttering shut as the sweet and bitter scent of brewing coffee fills his lungs and sends a comforting shiver down his tired and cold limbs. Loosening the scarf around his neck, he steps towards the line that had formed near the counter. How odd, Shouto thinks to himself, the small cafe seems a bit livelier than usual. The chime above the door rings, alerting the woman behind the counter of his arrival.

"Seriously, Shouto? You've been working here for a couple weeks now, and you live only a block away from here; How is it that you're always late?" The woman calls out in an exasperated voice as she holds her head in her hands, "You're lucky that you're pretty or else I would've fired you a long time ago."

The people close enough to hear laugh at her words, most of them frequent customers that know of Shouto's constant lateness and Momo's constant lectures that go in one ear and out the other.

"Apologies, Momo. It was very cold this morning and it made me get ready bit more slowly than usual," he says sheepishly as he makes his way behind the counter, going into the back room to get changed into his uniform.

"Yeah, yeah," she says as she rolls her eyes, "Anyways, Kyoka called in sick earlier and it's Uraraka's day off, so it's just gonna be you and I today. Not only that, but it seems to be more busy than usual. Try not to slack off, will you?"

Shouto walks back into the room, hands tying the back of the apron together, "Don't worry, Momo. I'm sure we can handle this. Besides, I have a good feeling about today."

That's never a good thing. She sighs, keeping her thoughts to herself as she starts preparing an order, "Sure, whatever you say, Shouto. Just start taking orders while I prepare them."

"Sure thing, boss."

The morning passes by fairly quickly, and much busier than usual. It was simple work, most of the customers being regulars. When noon arrives, the two workers prepare themselves for a seemingly quiet lunch since usually, most people go eat at a fast food restaurant to get their fill quickly.

Shouto wipes down some of the tables, eyes scanning the shop and counting only two people in total, excluding himself and Momo. Empty as usual. He thinks, but allows himself to take in the calmness of the moment, knowing to cherish it while it lasts.

Which proves to be extremely short.

The door to the shop suddenly slams open, rambunctious laughter filling the room as a group of people walk in. Shouto's head whips up from the tables, his interest peeking from the unfamiliar individuals. There's a redheads boy, a pink haired girl, a black haired boy, and two blondes; though the shorter one's is more yellowish in color with a black zig-zag in the front and the taller guy has spiky hair.

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