[ six ]

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[ six ] 

America was at home by herself, getting some of her homework done. Erick was gone somewhere, visiting his parents, as he told his girlfriend. But when she offered to go with him, he declined, reminding her that she had a lot of homework to do. They had gotten home from the Chivas training ground over an hour before and Erick quickly changed clothes and left the house, leaving his girlfriend there alone.

She decided to take a small break when her eyes became tired. Wiping her eyes, she went to grab a small snack in the kitchen before returning to her seat on the couch.

When she concluded she wouldn't be getting any more work done, she went on twitter, opening up her account on her laptop which Erick had given her as a present. She had insisted she could buy one herself with the money she was making working for Chivas, but he insisted.

America wasn't the type of girlfriend who liked to spy on her boyfriend, but she knew better than to fully trust Erick. She clicked on his profile and read the first tweets she saw. Some of them were from fans who were telling him they still supported him despite the team's horrible losing streak. To them he replied with nice words.

She scrolled furtther down until she saw tweets from him to a girl.

Her name was Maria Belen, and from what America learned from clicking on her profile, she was fromt the border city of Tijuana. But she was studying in Guadalajara on an exchange scholarship from Universidad de Guadalajara, which was the same place where Erick studied.

The brunette read their conversation and found they had been talking on twitter for a while now. And their public conversations usually ended with him suggesting her to text him instead.

Just then, America got a text message from Paulina.

pau: america...you will not believe what i just heard.

america: what happened?

pau: so i have this friend at the university. her name is maria, and she told me she's dating a friend of carlos', a friend who plays in chivas.

america: ookay...

pau: i asked her who her boyfriend was and she said erick...

pau: ay amiga...

pau: cubo is the only erick on the team. you need to talk to him and ask him what's going on.

america: are you sure?

pau: totally sure.

pau: don't let him play with you like this. he isn't worth it.

america: i have to go pau.

pau: if you want i can ask carlos to beat him up. i'm sure antonio would help too.

america: no. just leave it. bye pau.

America wasn't sure what to do first. But she opened up her twitter once more to post a message. She needed to let that girl know she was aware of her trying to come in between her and Erick.

america_hdz: some girls are so disrespectful and desperate for a famous boyfriend that they'll do ANYTHING to get him. they can't keep their slutty selves away from taken men. #youarepathetic #pleaseleave

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