[ eight ]

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[ eight ] 

As he made his way out of the training ground, he saw he had a notification on his phone screen. It was a text from Regina. He rolled his eyes in annoyance and almost didn't want to open the message. He knew that whatever it was she wanted, he was going to find himself being annoyed at her.

It was something inevitable.

regina: bring something to eat, yeah? there is like nothing in the fridge. 

Attached to her message was a picture of the fridge interior as though he needed proof to believe they had nothing there. Just yesterday Oscar had left her a reasonable amount of money for groceries. And it wasn't that he didn't want her using his money, Oscar wasn't greedy in the way that he would spend his paycheck, but she claimed she would buy food with that money and there was no food to eat.

He realized if he wanted to eat, he would need to buy the groceries himself. And that was exactly what he decided to do as it seemed that she was willing to do nothing to help around the house. He didn't mind that she kept all of her own money to herself and spent it selfishly buying clothes and shoes everyday. But when he gave her money for groceries, he expected to find food in his fridge.

Oscar hated the fact that every insignificant thing she did made him upset. It was as though he was only looking for reasons to dislike her more than he already did.

On several ocassions, he was close to asking her to leave his home. By now he was certain their relationship could never work out. The problem he saw in that was that she lived so far away from England and as much as he might dislike her, he didn't want to leave her stranded.

oscar: okay. i'll be home in a an hour, maybe two. i might visit david first.

regina: take your time. don't worry :) bye.

Before heading to the grocery store, he stopped by a small cafe where there was free wi-fi. He stood in a small line, ordered himself a drink and went to find a place to sit at.

He whipped his cellphone out of his pocket and openned up an internet page. His fingers typed an internet address onto the search bar and he clicked on the first result. It was the twitter account of the girl he blocked several months back. Oscar couldn't see her profile on his own account, he was only able to see it while logged out.

The only things he knew about America were things Regina told him, and he doubted half of those things were true. He was called over to pick up his drink, but after he did, he returned to his seat and scrolled through her account. The most recent post was a conversation with a girl named Paulina and another footballer named Antonio, where they were telling her she would be missed in Guadalajara.

His thumb scrolled over the screen further to find that she and Erick had broken up and that she was returning to Mexico City. On her tweets list she also posted the reason for their break-up; a supposed mutual decision between the two of them because they had fallen out of love. Oscar thought himself selfish, but he was glad she wasn't with the Mexican footballer anymore.

A smile even tugged at the corners of his mouth.

Curious as to what happened between them, he searched for Erick's profile on twitter. It quickly came up on his screen and the first thing he saw on the Mexican footballer's account was a picture of him with a girl who wasn't America. According to the tweet that accompanied the picture, she was a girl named Danna who was his new girlfriend.

The Brazilian footballer concluded their reason for breaking up was a lie. It was more than obvious that he had cheated on America.

He thought about how she might be feeling, going through the same thing all over again just after he made her suffer. He felt himself a horrible person for hurting her that way. And he wanted to hurt Erick for making America suffer after she gave him another chance.

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