[ eleven ]

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[ eleven ] 

Considering the type of person Regina had been up until now, America wasn't sure what to expect when it came to Eden. The same was the case for the rest of the family, but they were all pleasantly surprised.

The Belgian footballer was polite as well as nice and America noticed how hard he tried to speak in spanish to impress the family. It was clear it wasn't his first language, with a name like Eden Hazard, and a thick French accent became more and more prominent with every word he spoke. It was after they finally knew him that they understood why Regina fell in love with him.

He was a good boy and he had been able to bring out the good in Regina. Despite the fact that they had betrayed Oscar's trust, America was sure Eden was good and he truly loved Regina.

The family was sitting around in the livingroom when they heard mariachi music right outside their front gates. The sound of a familiar traditional song was soon intertwined by Loki's barking. America looked at her cousin with a confused explression on her face when he saw the blonde shoot her a knowing smile.

"America!" Called a familiar voice in a Brazilian-Portuguese accented Spanish. "I love you. Please take me back."

"Oh my gosh." America buried her face in her hands as her face flushed a bright crimson.

Regina jumped up from her seat on the couch and went to grab her cousin's arm, pulling her up to standing. Outiside, a mariachi band began singing one of the most popular songs in Mexico, Cielito Lindo. "De la Sierra Morena, cielito lindo, vienen bajando un par de ojitos negros, cielito lindo de contrabando..." The band sang, while Oscar attempted to keep up with the lyrics and failed. "Ay, ay, ay, canta y no llores..."

"Come on." Regina's eyes beamed with excitement while she tugged on America's arm. "Go get your man."

America grinned at the thought that crossed her mind. She wrenched herself out of her cousin's grip and ran to the bathroom down the hall. Under the sink was a bucket which she grabbed and filled with cold water. In Mexico, serenading a girl one likes was very common as well as having a cold bucket of water thrown at the one bringing the serenade. Everyone in the livingroom watched America as she made her way out of the house.

A wide smile tugged at Oscar's lips at the sight of the brunette. America lifted the bucket of water and hurled its contents at the young Brazilian footballer, soaking him from head to toe.

Oscar gasped at the cold water, whining, "What'd you do that for?"

She shrugged innocently. "Its tradition."

The music stopped and Oscar turned to the mariachi band, "Thank you for coming out here, men. I really appreciate it." Taking money out of his pocket, he paid each of them and the band left together. Facing America again, he smiled at her nervously. "Hello, America."

"What do you want?" She asked, crossing her arms over her chest.

"I want to talk to you." He said simply. Standing there in wet clothes outside her house, even though it was the middle of autumn, America almost felt bad for him. When she said nothing, he continued, "I missed you the whole time I was with Regina. All I could think about was you. You don't know how much I regret not giving us a chance. It was the biggest mistake of my life."

America unlocked the front gate and let him onto the front yard. He went around to the right side of the porch, where there was a porch swing. She plopped down on it and Oscar sat down next to her. She looked down at her hands and fiddled with them nervously before speaking. She wouldn't look at him, for she was afraid that if she did, all her defenses would crumble before her and she would end up forgiving him in a heart beat. "I loved you." She started, gulping back her emotions. "I wanted things to work out. I only lied because I was afraid Erick would find me and ruin our relationship. And where did that get me? He screwed me over again. He was only interested in me because I was with someone else."

"America," He breathed, "Please give me a chance."

"I want to." She admitted. "But my heart has been through so much pain...and I don't want to feel that pain again."

"I promise I will never hurt you again." He swore.

"You didn't trust me." She reminded him.

He frowned at the memory he had the last time he saw her. "You need to understand why I couldn't. You lied to me."

America sighed, "And I apologized for that. But..." She finally said, "I guess I can't expect you to forgive me if I haven't forgiven you. I honestly hope we can get past everything and at least be friends."

Oscar smiled at her words. "That's a reasonable start. But my aim is to win your love back."

"You have my love." She muttered, just loud enough for him to hear. "What you need to earn back is my trust."

"I promise I will." The Brazilian promised. "I'll love you for as long as I live."



the central american and caribbean games have begun in veracruz, mexico. and my bby cubo torres is on the u21 squad.

and i hope they slay everyone.

i will try to watch all the games.

but since i don't have cable, i dont know if i might find them on my laptop.

guys, since this story is almost coming to an end, can you all swing by my newest footballer story? its called 'penpals' and its about jurgen damm. he's my little half-mexican half-german footballer who plays for club pachuca. basically he exchanges letters every week with a university student from germany during a one semester penpal program.

he is actually a very handsome and skilled bitchacho.

and i hope you like it, just like i hope you all like thie update.

thank you for reading. i will post the epilogue for this story in the morning and this story will be officially over ^.^

i love youuu.

-clary xx

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