Chapter 5 | Take The Witch Down! - Part 2

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Inside The Labyrinth

As Nicoletta, Kiki, Taki, Babette and Dateotoko got inside the mythical labyrinth, they really don't know where the witch could be at. "Alright, conjurer! Show yourself!" Babette said. As they kept on going, the witch flies out of nowhere, starting up its evil laugh. "Let's do it!", Taki said as the girls started to transform into their Magical Girl outfits. After the transformation was over, they all stroke the pose and was ready to battle. "Prepare to have your dose of medicine, conjurer!", Kiki said as Nicoletta and Taki stood, side by side as they grabbed their weapons out--As usual, Nicoletta grabbed her gigantic hammer and Taki grabbed her surge out--as the two ran right towards the witch, jumping and Nicoletta starts smacking the witch, using her hammer. Taki, however, starts attacking the witch, using her surge. Next, Babette leaps up in the air, punching the witch. Kiki grabs her heart wand, blasting the wave of chartreuse hearts, attacking the witch. The witch, however, started growling, grabbing Nicoletta and her gigantic hammer. Nicoletta started to free herself, smacking the witch with her hammer as hard as she could, causing the witch to put Nicoletta down as Nicoletta landed safely. "That was a close one, Nicoletta-Chan." Kiki said as Nicoletta agreed as all the four Magical Girls finished the witch altogether. After the witch was defeated, it turned into a grief seed and taking Nicoletta and her friends back to where they were.

Back In the Real World

"That wasn't so bad, was it?", Nicoletta said as she and her teammates walked right back to where they were hanging out at. "Thank God you had saved yourself, Nicoletta. That witch would've freaking killed you anyway!" Taki said. "I know, but at least I smacked the hell out of it with my big hammer."
As the conversation was going on, Nicoletta looked over at the time, noticing it was time for her to go right back home. "Oh, crap! I better get back home or otherwise my family's gonna be wondering where I was!", Nicoletta said as If she felt like she was late. So, she went right back home.

At Nicoletta's House

As soon as Nicoletta returned home to have dinner with her family like always, this time, Diran, her father, was cooking hamburgers. "I'm back everybody! Sorry I took so long!", Nicoletta said, taking off her shoes, starting to pant down from all the walking. "It's okay, Nicoletta. Why don't you have a seat at the dinner table." Diran said as Nicoletta walked right over to the dinner table, sitting down. "So, how was school this time?" Sebastian, her oldest brother, asked. "It was alright." Nicoletta said, starting to stretch. "Been having any trouble apparently?" Sebastian asked. "I've got my friend Kiki to help me out on most of my assignments. She is a good friend of mine.", "Now, Sebastian. I understand you wanna get involved into Nicoletta's business, but, please, let her have space to herself." Diran suggested as the silence begun until finally, Rikako, Nicoletta's mother, came home from work. "Hey, y'all." Rikako said, walking in as everyone greeted her as well.

Later After Dinner and Meanwhile in Nicoletta's Bedroom

After Nicoletta ate dinner, she was now in her room, laying on her bed as Dateotoko showed up. "What'cha thinking about, Nicoletta?" Dateotoko said. "Oh, nothing, really." Nicoletta replied as she stretches and yawns. "I couldn't help, but notice the way your brother, Sebastian is." Dateotoko said. "I believe he's like that the moment I come home from being with my friends." Nicoletta replied. "And I also know that Sebastian is always focused conversing with his girlfriend, Christina Guroshī, always being like Oh, Christina, you're so lovely.'" Nicoletta said, mocking Sebastian and does her imitation of Sebastian's laughing, making it sound like a dorky laugh as Nicoletta starts busting up laughing. "Since no one else could see me, you're like, the only person who can see me, along with your friends." Dateotoko said. "Plus, I think my sister, Malene does a better imitation than I do." Nicoletta added.

The Next Day After School

The next day after School, Nicoletta, Kiki, Taki, Dateotoko and Babette were all hanging out at Babette's place like usual. "I have an announcement to make." Babette said as the three begin to pay attention. "Once as the four of us altogether fight all of the witches, also known as the conjurers, we'll all have a party here at my place." Babette announced as the three agreed as if it did sounded like a great idea.
"As for this party, we can have barbecue and play video games. By Barbecue, I mean by we'll have Hamburgers and Hot Dogs." Babette added as the three agreed once more as If it did sound like a really great idea.

Once again, the four girls looked at their soul gems as they start to see it glow. "Another one?", Nicoletta wondered. The four got up altogether to sense where the witch was located at. They took each direction to know where it's being located at. As soon as they got there, another Mythical Labyrinth opens up. "What The Hell?" Taki started to say. "Normally, the Labyrinth will open up whenever we locate the witch.", Babette said. "Oh, yeah. I remember.. Dammit, I always forget." Taki replied. As the witch pops up, like normal, the four girls transformed with their soul gems to become Magical Girls. After the transformation, the girls stood in position to take out the witch. But, wait, another Magical Girl jumps out of nowhere, having Emerald Green on her, jumping and attacking the witch with her sword. Who could this new Magical Girl be?

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