A Different World

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Nat is...gone

She sacrified her lives for the people who vanished...Its all my fault. I wasn't with her. I didn't protect her.

"ITS ALL MY FAULT!" I slammed the table and Clint was shocked.

"I-Im sorry. I should've been the one killed" Clint cried. I felt bad for him. It wasn't his fault. It was all my fault.

"N-no...its my fault..I should've- I should've-" I can't handle the pain. Tears came and I couldn't handle it. It hurts. It hurts so much. I won't be able to see Natasha again. I was supposed to confess to her after the battle but... all hope is lost.

"Don't cry. We will fight for her death. We will kill Thanos." Tony comforted me and I stopped crying.

We have to kill Thanos.

We tried to put the infinity stones on the gauntlet and Bruce snapped it. The ones who vanished came back again, as if nothing happened. They enjoyed and celebrated but one of Thanos' weapons crashed the tower. We had to battle with him and Tony had to pay the price.

My best friend and the love of my life...gone. I looked over to Stephen and he cried...they were supposed to get married but this happened...

"I'm so sorry" I hugged Stephen as tears went down his face. He knew that it was the only way. And he knew that he would never see Tony again.

Tony's funeral happened and everything. Everyone was crying...including me. After Tony's funeral, I made a little funeral for Nat. It was just her photo, a white rose, and me.


I still miss Nat so much and it hurts. I get nightmares every night so I only get 3 hours of sleep. Wanda and Bucky visits at my place and they always bring Panda Express.

"Heya, we brought your favorite" Bucky gave me a smile and I smiled back.

"Thanks Buck." I smiled.

"Steve.You have to move on" Wanda begged with a frown. I can't move on... Nat still means everything to me and I can't let her go.

"Wanda, I can't" Tears were forming on my eyes. I wasn't ready...not yet.

"Please don't cry" Bucky hugged me. I guess that they hate seeing me at this state. I wasn't taking care of myself.

"I-I just... I was planning to confess to her after that battle...but she died" I said with a frown. Wanda felt really bad and she hugged me.

"Aww Steve... we're so sorry" Wanda and Bucky tried to comfort me in anyway possible. After a few hours, they had to leave and I had to sleep.

When I slept, I wasn't having nightmares or anything. I was just having a good nights sleep. I woke up to hear birds chirping and then I noticed.

Wait. Why am I in the tower? This was destroyed...right?

I immediately ran downstairs to see Rhodey, Clint, Thor and Bruce chatting.

"Oh hey Steve! Had a good nights sleep?" Rhodey asked with a smile and they all chuckled.

"W-what is happening?" I asked and they were confused. I closed my eyes and I was whispering to myself that this isn't real. That I was dreaming. Until...

"Steve?" I heard a familiar voice.

It couldn't be. I-It c-couldn't be...


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