Family Vacation

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FP Jones

"Mommy can I have a juice box?" Ruby asked excitedly, as she waited for the airplane to take off.

"In a minute baby." You told her while burping Wolf. The five of you, were all headed on vacation to Los Angeles for a week. Jughead was next to you, Ruby was at the window seat and you had Wolf on your lap. FP was on the closest seat next to you across the aisle.

"We haven't been away in so long." FP sighed.

"Gotta make the most of it babe, it's gonna be so good." You grinned. As soon as the plane took off, Ruby was asleep instantly.

"She's exactly like you Y/N." Jughead laughed.

"Hey, I'm not that bad anymore." You yawned.

"His points been proven babe."

Jughead Jones

Blaze was on your hips as Arrow floated across the water on his blow up ring.

"Where's daddy gone?" You called over to Arrow, and before he could answer, Jughead raised from the water.

"Ahhh!" He screeched, making you laugh. The sun was shining over the island of Greece, and all of you were so happy.

"You need some more sun-cream on bud." Jughead instructed and Arrow followed his dad out of the pool.

"I think you need some on as well baby." You kissed your youngest sons cheek, and headed out the pool yourself.

"This is the best life."

Sweet Pea

It was a debatable vacation to take, considering it was three kids under five against two adults. However, Betty and Jughead decided they would also tag along. The seven of you had arrived in Florida.

"Excuse me?" This women came over to you as you were all eating dinner.

"Yes?" You asked, wiping your mouth politely.

"I couldn't help but notice how much of an amazing mom you are, I assume these are your kids?" She smiled.

"Yeah they are, thank-you so much." You grinned and she headed off again.

"She came over cause I'm handsome." Roman smirked, sipping on his juice.

"You sound like dad." Aurora groaned.

"Dad, dad, dad." Layla repeated.

"They are definitely your kids man." Jughead laughed.

Fangs Fogarty

"And after saying you never wanted to come back to Alaska, look at you." You smirked, wrapping your arms around your boyfriend.

"This cabin is just beautiful though, and Sky's been building snowmen all day, she's so happy." Fangs kissed your temple.

"And River and Fern are looking really cute in those matching onesies babe." Your twin baby girls were chilling in the rockers that the cabin thankfully had provided.

"I think we should spend Christmas here." Fangs told you.

"I like that idea." Sky barged through to the living room where you all were.

"Babe, you're still covered in snow, did you go back outside again?" You raised an eyebrow, and she timidly nodded.

"Never listens, just like her mommy." Fangs joked.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2019 ⏰

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