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Ten woke up in a king sized bed,alone.He then remembered his encounter with johnny last night.Why does it matter anyways,he should've got used to it by now,right?

His train of thoughts came to an end when his stomach growled.He crowled out of the bed and hissed at the soreness.Then wore a peach colored sweater which he assums johnny's,reached his mid thighs aamd wore his own pants and went outside the room.

He was immediately greeted by a delicious smell of breakfast.He went downstairs and saw johnny there,
Shirtless,upper body full on display.But his back was faced and ten was glad cause for some reasons he didn't want to talk with johnny.

"Oh your awake" ten got a nice luck,didn't he?Maybe his good luck is on summer vacation.

Johnny came near to ten and saw how uncomfortable and small he look.
"Are you okay?"

"Y-yeah...i was going to exit..thought i could say bye...?"ten said slowly and avoided other gaze.

"Did you forgot about the deal?"johnny asked,

"Which deal?"ten was pretty tired yesterday,he still is thats why he didnt wants to pressure his smol brain for it.

"Woah,you were the one yet you forgot about it?im amazed"johnny replied and chuckled.Ten swears he wants to hear that everyday.


"Well,the deal was;if i didnt touched you yesterday then you would've left but i did touched you,so..."johnny looked at ten and hoped he understand what he meant but the latter was more confused.


"So,you are my toy for 1 week"johnny said and looked pretty intimidating.

"That..that means I'll be staying with you for 1 week?"ten asked.

"Yes,only for my needs,no feelings attached."johnny now towered over ten's small figure.

"But what if i do?"ten asked and tried to act brave but failed.

"Oh believe me,you won't" johnny replied,gritting his teeth in anger for love.


"Just because"johnny said and left ten dumbfounded.He went back to his coffee machine,pouring into two mugs. "There are some rules you must need to follow to be here"

"What are they?"ten is not really used to this but he decided to play something new.

"1.DO NOT fell in love with me...

2.Always be ready to handle me cause i dont like to hear 'no' when im horny"

3.no maid are coming to do thier works in 1 week,so your the one who'll be doing everything..."

"wHAT TH-.."ten got cut off.

"..4.Dont talk back with me,or shout at  me cause only I'll be doing those

5.Your not allowed to get drunk.

6.Dont you dare flirt with any of my mans

7.Don't wear your pants"

Ten choked on air and blushed.

"There's one last rule but I'll tell you about that later.Also if you break any of this,punishments are always ready.

But,punishment of the last one is death"

"What's the last rule?"ten asked innocently.

"Like i said,you'll know later"johnny replied and pushed a cup of coffee to ten.But before ten could grab it,johnny spoke blutly

"Rules are starting from today so Strip out of your pants"


Um,no wonder i like to call them horny couple.

Guys i really miss johnten interaction.This couple is soooooo dry this days...its hurts my poor gay hearteu.


His Feelings || NCT JohnTen ffWhere stories live. Discover now