Chapter 4

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Marinette paced her room aimlessly, as her face fell into her hands. Her thoughts were racing about her head, insecurities and worries slowly picking apart her confidence.

What if he doesn't read it?

What if he doesn't care?

What if he never talks to me again- what would I do with myself?

The unanswered questions continued to flood through her mind until Marinette couldn't take it anymore, letting out a groan before plopping down onto the pink chair by her desk, and spinning with the sudden movement. Tiki's eyes followed the stressed bluenette, concern apparent in her every move as she floated over and sat upon the girl's head, patting her bangs in attempt to reassure the girl before her.

"Marinette... Are you okay?" The small kwami asked, still rubbing the girl's head. Marinette sighed in response.

"Just stressed." She responded gently, propping her head on her hands, elbows resting on the head of the small chair. It had been a couple hours since Ladybug had given Chat noir the letter, and the black cat was still nowhere to be seen. Not that she had said that she wanted to talk to him in person, but she thought that the letter was enough implication she wanted to work things out with him. Chat Noir was known for replying exceptionally quickly, especially if something as big as their friendship was at stake. She had been waiting on her balcony for about an hour when she decided to go back inside, the worry blooming in her chest even more so than before.
"Get some rest, Marinette." The small kwami replied, jolting the bluenette back to reality.
"Yeah, Okay." She sighed in resignation, pulling herself up and mounting the small steps that led to her chaise. Marinette took a few deep breaths, thoughts and concerns of Chat noir running through her head, before she finally fell into a troubled sleep.
It was another two long and boring weeks before Marinette heard from Chat after she had given him the letter as ladybug. He had been skipping patrol, and skipping the routinely visits to Marinette's balcony. There hadn't been any akumas, so when Marinette found a letter addressed to her on her desk, she couldn't help but to tear open the letter, renowned hope and excitement blossoming within her chest. Despite her eagerness, Marinette was carful not to tear the letter as she pulled it out of the ripped open envelope. She discarded the envelope and unfolded the letter, bluebell eyes flying across the neat cursive scrawled across the legal size paper.

Dear Purrincess,

I appreciate your honesty. Thanks for telling me. I'm sorry I haven't responded sooner, but I needed some time to process you know? I've made a decision. If you're still interested meet me at the Louvre tonight, 10:30pm. I feel it's more appropriate to address what I have to say in person, I at least owe you that. I'm so sorry for everything Marinette. I know I'm only making things more difficult for you, but let's just say I care about you a lot, and you've grown on me, and somewhere deep inside, it hurts me to see you hurt, and it hurts me to lose you. Anyway, I'm rambling. I'll see you at the louvre.

Forever yours,


Marinette glanced at the clock sitting on her desk. 10:25pm. With a quick goodnight to her parents, and a cookie for tiki to much on along the way, Marinette was sneaking downstairs and out the door, careful to keep the floor from creaking on her way out.

It had been a lot colder than Chat Blanc expected. The moon was full, the harsh wind pricking his skin through his thin leather suit. Not a single star was out tonight, the only source of light the big moon, the artificial light from Paris' lamp posts and Chat's violet glowing eyes. He sighed and checked the time on his baton 10:40 pm. All the nearby buildings had their lights turned off, the whole city asleep. The roads were empty, with the exception of a few stray cars passed by on the road, headlights blazing through the darkness. Chat Blanc shivered as another gust of wind blew through the chilled air. He had been about to leave, extending his baton in preparation,  when he saw a bluenette rushing towards the glass triangle building he was leaning against. Conflicting feelings of relief and disappointment rose in his chest. She was 25 minutes late, as per usual, but he thought that she would be on time for something as important as this. Chat launched himself off the peak of the building and landed before the girl.
"Chat!" Marinette buried her head in the boy's chest before she could recognize who was standing before her. Warmth spread through Chat Blancs chest and through his arms, as he wrapped them around her small waist. "I missed you!" She said pulling away to take a better look at the boy. Recognition and fear swirled in her blue eyes as she stared warily into his purple glowing eyes.
"What have you done?" Marinette said flatly in a voice close to a whisper, as she pulled away from him and took a step back. Chat could almost see her walls going up against him. His gut twisted.
"I'm sorry. This was the only way. " He said, trying to reason with the girl. If she could just understand his plan, the suffering he's endured for her in these two weeks, she wouldn't be so against this new him.
"The only way for what?" Marinette asked. "The only way for us to be together? The only way was to throw away the things that I fell in love with?"
"I'm still me." Chat had spent these past two weeks defying hawkmoth's command, and despite the pain that came with it, he didn't crack under the pressure. The akuma had lingered within him for so long, it began to meld into his conscience, his own wants and desires presiding over Hawkmoth's. It was almost like hawkmoth didn't even own the akuma anymore, it was just a part of the boy that amplified his powers, and freed him from the pressure of his everyday life.
"No." Marinette stood cautiously, one foot behind the other, in a defensive stance a couple feet away from him. When Chat Blanc took a step towards her, Marinette matched it with a step away. "You are far from the boy I know and care for. Please, you are better than this chat, don't let him control you-"
"Hawkmoth doesn't control me!" Chat Blanc cut her off, raising his voice in frustration. "This akuma isn't his, it's a part of me. I'm sorry if I'm not what you wanted, but I am what I am. I'm still Chat Noir, and I still love you Marinette." He paused, and extended his arm towards her in offering. "Come with me. We can start over, far away from here. Hawkmoth won't be able to akumatize anybody, as he can't send out multiple akumas. We can-" Chat explained, speaking of the plan he had been forming for the past little while.
"This is crazy!" Marinette shouted. "There's no way I'd come with you, I have a life here. And even if I could throw it all away, I don't love you. I love Chat Noir, and this," She paused, throwing her hands out to indicate the white leather clad boy standing before her. "This isn't him. Come and talk to me when you are the boy I actually fell in love with." The girl turned and began to withdraw from the situation, blue eyes glimmering with sadness and disappointment.
"Well then I guess you leave me no choice..." The boy muttered under his breath, before quickly picking up a rock and moving to catch up with the blunted, who was now walking towards her home. Chat raised the rock and brought it down over the girl's head, wincing slightly as he felt his hand collide with soft flesh. The girl rocked on her feet, disoriented, and then fell to the ground, no longer conscious. Chat dropped the rock, as his legs gave out and he fell to his knees. "I'm so sorry." Chat's words were choked, his voice weak. "You gave me no other choice." With that, the boy scooped the girl into a princess carry, gently blocking a stray lock of hair out of her face before jumping off into the night once more.


hey- I'm back heheheheh.

It's summer vacation!!! Which means I'm here to stay and will be actually updating regularly- for real this time! Yeah I said that last time but man- I did not anticipate how hard french was- I'm sorry. I kinda took a hiatus without saying anything, but I swear I'm back now! I don't have any school to throw me off!

Anyway, ILL PROB FIX THIS LATER, But it's been in my notes just waiting to be published for forever so I figured I'd put it here for y'all.

Also a bonus chapter is in the works in thanks for 1K reads!! I was not expecting that from y'all thank you so much!!!!

The bonus chapter will be updated as soon as it's finished along with another chapter! Thanks so much for staying with me even tho I was so inactive!!!

Bye lovelies!~

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06, 2021 ⏰

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