Chapter 1

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Where your soulmate's spirit animal is tattooed on their wrist.

"Come on what could it mean!" Cried Spencer as he finished the last of his coffee before aggressively putting it down on the table "I swear nearly everyone at this point has found their soulmate. I heard a story that when two people found eachother they got married the next day!"

"You are just stressed about exams that's all i'm sure you will find your soulmate soon." Consoled Ryan, trying to change the subject.

"What would you know about soulmates anyway." Said Spencer visciously getting annoyed at Ryan's patronising comment.

"What is that supposed to mean?" Questioned Ryan with anger rising in his voice. He did not want to have this conversation again. Of course everyone wants to show off their tattoo and figure out what it means or what characteristics their soulmate has but Ryan struggled with it and refused to tell anyone his secret.

"All you talk about is finishing your english degree, becoming a famous writer and travelling the world." Explained Spencer realising that what he said was harsh "I'm not saying you shouldn't have big aspirations in life i'm saying you can't ignore one of main things in our life which is finding your soulmate. I haven't heard you once mention anything about your tattoo or even what she might look or be like."

This stung Ryan. Spencer had never once openly complained about Ryan like this as Spencer was more of a 'chill' kind of guy, he is normally the one to go with the flow but recently he has changed and become obsessed with this soulmate thing which was driving Ryan insane. "I'm just gonna focus on education first and creating a better life for myself and you should know that" Ryan retorted. Spencer took this as a chance for him to apologise to which he did. Much like Ryan he was noticing a change in his friend too. Ryan was staying up late and completely isolating himself at times which was why Spencer believed he needed to find his soulmate.

"Hey let's go back now it is getting late." Said Spencer. Ryan looked out the coffee shop window to see a beautiful dark blue sky and the glow of the newly lit streetlights framing the buildings and streets. Ryan was always a night person and it was easy to see why. To him the prettiest sights were always to be found when no-one is paying attention, like during the evening or night. He had always liked Spencer, they had been friends since they were little, but he always believed that Spencer just didn't understand the world as pretentious as that sounds. They both walked out of the coffee shop and headed back to the dorms. Despite it being nearly 8:30pm Spencer had insisted on dragging Ryan to a coffee shop as he needed the energy to power through an essay due in the next day.

"Seriously why did you not start it ages ago weren't you given like 4 weeks notice?" Asked Ryan.

"Not all of us are workaholics like you Ryan, some of us go to parties and have fun." said Spencer playfully.

"I do have fun." Defended Ryan

"My ass Ryan, what do you do? Write all of your assignments 8 months before they are due or even do some of teacher's marking?" Joked Spencer trying to get Ryan to loosen up a bit.

"I play guitar I suppose." Muttered Ryan, annoyed that Spencer was right.

"We need to get you meeting new people being locked up in that room does nothing for anyone and, if you think of it, your soulmate is looking for you and staying inside sure makes that easier." Advised Spencer. They both walked down the wet footpath towards their accomodation. They were lucky enough to be only two floors away from eachother but it still meant that Ryan had to communicate with other people who aren't just Spencer.

The cold air blew against their faces as they passed the creepy looking church and the shop with paint peeling off of it. This country really was a dump sometimes. Ryan shoved his hands in his pockets as they were now turning a worrying shade of blue.

"I still don't forgive you for dragging me out here it is freezing" whined Ryan

"It's just cold air suck it up, plus we are nearly back so you can hibernate in your room for another 8 months." Replied Spencer who too was shivering from the cold. It was the middle of November, the time where it is not cold enough to be snow but still cold enough to freeze your fingers off.

They had finally arrived back with little words spoken to eachother as they said their goodbyes and went to their rooms, just like always. Ryan and Spencer's friendship had more understanding than others. Spencer knows that Ryan needed to be alone again and that taking him out for a mere 20 minutes is too overwhelming and exhausting, that was just how he was. However things were getting tedious and annoying. Normally Spencer could tolerate Ryan's little comments and odd behaviour but it was getting to him lately. Ever since Spencer had introduced the topic of soulmates Ryan has acted off and, come to think of it, he has never heard Ryan describe his tattoo, weird. Spencer waved to Ryan and walked to his room collapsing on the bed. He just wanted to lie down, fall asleep and hopefully find his soulmate, but that could be done later, now he had an essay to finish which wasn't going to write itself.

And then it happened.

All that could be heard was the sound of a faint siren that was coming closer.

A feeling of chaos was beginning to emerge as people were pushing open doors to tell others the news.

A once peaceful night became that of fear.

As the siren grew louder, so did the people.

They said it wouldn't happen again.

We had learnt from are mistakes.

Had we learnt from our mistakes?

Obviously not as students were being told to rush down to the cafeteria for an emergency meeting.

And it was at that moment it had all began.

"I am very sorry to inform that we are under attack and have been advised to lay low until further instruction"

Emotions were running high that night but one phrase was on the lips of everyone.

"World. War. Three?"

Red Never Looked Good On You || Ryden (Soulmate AU)Where stories live. Discover now