Chapter 3 - Bordeaux

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When I woke up that day, it was still raining. I went to the studio and my director suddenly decided than now it is great time to go out of LA for filming. We had to do couple of scenes in South France. Thought it were love scenes, but I picked myself up telling myself I have to act like a pro. Actually, Greg was the pro. Anyway, we were planning everything the whole day and then came the dinner time with Marilyn and Arthur.

"Hey!" Marilyn wawed me from red cabriolet. I had my long dark blue dress on me, the same cut as last week.

"Hi Marilyn!" I said and smiled. Then I sat next to her.

"Where's Arthur?" I asked and looked around.

"Oh, he couldn't make it. I'm sorry, hope you don't mind?" Marilyn said and smiled. "We'll have girls night out."

"Ofcourse it's ok. At least I can tell you everything!" I said and remembered yesterday night.

I smiled.

"Oh my, you really have to, girl!" Cried Marilyn.

We went like 15 minutes by car and then we finally reached our final place. I looked at that big, magnificent and glamouros restaurant. The pride of Hollywood blvd. And what a night that was!

We finished our dinner which was really delicious.

"Marilyn I'm leaving tommorow morning to Bordeaux to shoot some scenes with Greg for the movie." I said and smiled at her.

"Wow, that's really great! I'm really proud of you." She said and held my hand.

"You're just the sweetest." I smiled at her.

"Darling what about me coming to your house, help you packing and YOU can tell me everything about last night?" She said and we laughed.

"Great idea! And thanks darling." I said and after paying for the dinner we went out of restaurant. Then we got back to Marilyn's car and went to my flat.

"Well, it's not very big but it's cozy..."

I said and was trying to clean up things a little.

"C'mon, it's wonderful." Said Marilyn and looked at my bedroom.

"Well, thank you..." I said and we started packing.

I never thought packing could be so much fun. We talked alot, I told her everything about that rainy night with Dean. I don't know why, but we were laughing really hard at almost everything. That night ended that way that Marilyn stayed at my flat the whole night because as she said, she was too lazy to drive home. And plus she told me that she will drive me to the airport in the morning.

"Oh, and I haven't told you! We're invited to another party. It's celebrating of finishing some movies. God, I couldn't remember the names..." said Marilyn when we were already lying in bed.

"Again?" I said and played the fed up face.

"Yeah..." she said and we laughed.

"Well, ok. We have to go. We're invited. When is it?" I asked.

"Saturday evening."

"Well, I'm arriving back to LA Saturday morning so I can make it." I said and smiled.

"Excellent. And Dean will be there too." She smiled and winked.

"Really?" I said this with bored voice, but actually my heart started beating really fast.

Dean. Dean. Dean. God, what a name.

"Yes..." she smiled and turned off the light.

"Goodnight." I whispered to the dark room still with confussion in my voice.


Bordeaux was amazing. Fascinating. Magical. Bordeaux was everything what a human being can imagine. I was full of pure happiness and laughter. But there was still that weird feeling. That weird type of emptiness you can't explain. You're happy, you're enjoying every moment. And still, in the dark nights and glamorous evenings you feel so empty.

But then, he called me one evening. And then he called me every night. We talked for hours and I didn't feel empty anymore. I felt so full. Full of happiness, hope, full of... love?

I firstly realised in Bordeaux what even Dean's voice could do with me. I was happy all day because I knew we will talk to each other in the evening.

I was usually lying on my bed and had the phone on my belly. I was laughing and my hair were falling into my eyes. He was funny. He was emphatic. I felt sad with every "goodnight" and every "goodbye" we said to each other on the phone that week.

I was falling in love. Slowly and quietly.

My view on Bordeaux was suddenly different. My view on the world was suddenly different. It suddenly all made sence.

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