Goodbye Sadness, Welcome Rage

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: 8 hours on the road

Abandoning their own beds, what started out as four girls were now three and a half. Cotton had abandoned them a long time ago. The three girls and the baby were now laid across the queen size bed sleeping their hearts away.

Alex's motherly sense were tingling as she woke up seeing her daughter beginning to fuss. She picked her child up, carrying her to the front of the tour bus grabbing the baby bag along the way. She sat down on the chair. She began changing her daughter before she fed her. It was one in the afternoon and she was was sure she was hungry on top of everything else.

Once she was done she positioned herself on the chair and began feeding her daughter. Singing you might be lyrics to her lowly as she ate. She watched as her daughter clung to Derek's shirt. It still smelt like him. Rubbing her curly tendrils out of her face she felt her emotions begin to overtake her. She tried to hold herself together because she refused to cry anymore tears. "I'm okay, We're okay." She leaned back closing her eyes.

A few hours later they were finally settled into their hotel rooms for the next two days

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A few hours later they were finally settled into their hotel rooms for the next two days. After taking a much needed shower. Alex heard her phone ring she quickly grabbed a towel before answering it.

"Hello." His voice filled up the room.

"Hi" she said softly hearing his voice made her want to cry again.

"Where's babygirl?"

"She's in the swing, and I just got out the shower. Give me a second let me take her out and put some clothes on."

"No rush do what you gotta do." He said laying back in the bed they shared.

She propped the phone up at the top of the bed, then creating a barricade around the sides just Incase strawberry started to roll over.

"Guess who's on the phone! It's daddy! Look at him." Strawberry started bouncing around her arms. She gripped her towel, placing her on the bed on her stomach so she could look at the phone. "Hey babygirl! I miss you so much." He started talking to her.

Alex watched them as she got dressed, well throwing on one of Derek's shirts she swiped while packing her bag.

"Baby, I mean Alex how many shirts and sweatpants did you take?"

"Huh?" She said coming to the phone. "Just um these two and that one pair."


"Okay maybe like 3 pants and 5 shirts.
Its a two month tour."

He sucked his teeth, shaking his head. "Man you have a draw full of night clothes and you insist on taking mines."

"Sorry...." She said sheepishly.

"No your not, did you take my adidas one?"


Shaking his head again. "Of course you did. My polo ones better still be in here."

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