Beast POV
I'm going crazy. That's for sure. Ever since I found out about the black wolf, I can't seem to get the fact that he can be human out of my head. I can't wait for him to change, so I can get some explanation as to what is going on here.
I also started calling him 'Puppy' and it's amusing to see him getting annoyed every single time.
Puppy hasn't left my side for the whole day, just like yesterday. He's been following me around, never leaving me alone. But differently than yesterday, the grey wolf did not look at me the same way.
Actually, I think that after the whole ordeal with the guards something changed between us. He protected me from the guards, well, tried to, when he covered me with his body. Now that I know about Puppy, I can't stop thinking that the grey wolf is probably able to change into a human, too.
This whole situation is only giving me a headache. Along with my broken leg, I'm getting tired and – what did Andrew call it? Cracky? Oh, I know! – cranky. Andrew was one of the guards that I actually liked, before he was brutally murdered for befriending me. He taught me a lot, he brought me books, talked to me, explaining things I didn't understand. He always called me his daughter that he never had. I didn't get to call him a father figure, but that's exactly what he was for me.
For some reason, as I think about Andrew, I feel some moisture on my cheek. Before I can even touch it, Puppy is already up and in front of me, and quickly licks it off. I look at him only to see him already staring at me in what seems like worry. He's worried about me? Why?
"What's wrong Puppy?" I ask him as I pet his head. I don't like to see him in distress. Even though I didn't know about him before, my feeling of protectiveness when it comes to him did not disappear even after finding out about his ability to change into a human.
He nudges me with his nose, his gaze questioning and worried as he looks at me. I continue petting his head, as touching him brings me a sense of comfort. I remember a word that I saw in a book that describes the feeling. What was it, again?
Yes, that's the feeling. When I'm with Puppy I feel... safe, at peace, dare I say – happy. It's something I have never felt before. I've read about it, heard about it, but never experienced it myself.
Puppy seems to understand that I'm okay, as he goes back to lying in front of me on the porch.
I notice the grey wolf approach us with quick strides, looking angry. I wonder what's wrong now?
He stops in front of us, and with a quick bow – bow? – in my direction, he looks at Puppy and they stand there looking at each other, as if having some conversation through their eyes. Interesting.
Suddenly, Puppy growls angrily, and I look up at him, not liking his reaction.
Something is wrong.
As soon as Shane asks me where we are, saying he has to talk to me, I know something is going on.
He surprises me when he bows to my mate, but it's a pleasant surprise.
'What's wrong, Shane? You were in charge of the prisoner, what are you doing here?' I ask immediately.
'Something's wrong with the prisoner. His wounds are not healing, and the doctor doesn't know what to do. He says he needs antibiotics because there is an infection, but he can't give them himself. The guy will die before you can interrogate him at this rate. That's why... − he suddenly looks unsure, as if I would get angry by what he is going to say – the doctor suggested that maybe Luna can help.'

The Beast (Alpha Trilogy #1)
Werewolf"I know I'm a monster, but even I have my limits!" I shout at him. He shouldn't have done that. "Wait, please, I- , let me explain. I'm sorry-" "I should've known." I say quietly as I turn around and leave him there. I will never trust him again. No...