Chapter 36

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I pack a small bag, taking only necessary things for both me and Hunter, who keeps watching me like a hawk. He's playing with his toy robot, jumping on the bed, clearly excited at the prospect of seeing his father. I've told him about Leo, explained everything to him, including why he can't see him yet and why it's so important to stay away from werewolves and the pack for a while. He can't control his strength yet, so he could hurt someone if he's not careful, since we're stronger than them. Despite him being almost 5, he is half-werewolf, half-Undead, so he's way stronger than if he was just a werewolf. I don't even remember how many times he's unintentionally hurt someone while hugging or playing with them.

"Mommy, does daddy know about me?" Hunter's worried voice reaches me, as I put his favorite plushie in the bag.

"I haven't told him about you because I haven't seen him for 5 years." I crouch in front of him as he sits on the edge of the bed. "I left him before I even knew I had you in my belly. I wasn't ready to go back to him, not after what happened. – I see his eyes widen a little – I know uncle Aiden told you about it." I finish with a teasing tone. "It's fine, baby, I'm not angry. I just wanted you to be a little older when you hear about this. You're still my little baby, I didn't want to burden you with it." I stroke his hair as I speak, and I can tell he understands what I mean.

We leave my bedroom a while later. Hunter keeps a death grip on my hand, only now showing how scared he is of meeting his father. I get it though, we don't know how Leo will react. I'm not worried about him recognizing Hunter as his, since he inherited both of our eyes. His left eye is golden, like his dad's, and his right is silver, like mine. He's his father's spitting image, and that's basically why I managed to forgive Leo. Just looking at Hunter reminded me of Leo, of the great time we had together, of my love for him.

I still love that man. I love him so much it hurts to stay away. I closed the mind link between us, blocking him out, but I want to open it once again, to tell him that I'm coming back to him, that I love him, that I want to see him.

So I do. I open up my mind to him, the feeling of our minds connecting almost brings me to my knees.

'I love you, Leo.' I tell him before leaving the mansion. Hunter and I are going to ride Ash all the way, while the pack stays at the mansion to rest after the journey. I'm to contact Aiden or Asher once the matter is settled, so they can join us.


I stare at the ceiling of the guest bedroom for what feels like a millionth time. The woman next to me has tried expanding our activity in bed countless times, but I never budge. It's not easy to stir the dead, and that's exactly how I feel. My Angel left me and took my soul with her. Nothing makes sense without her.

Suddenly strange feeling surges through me, making me abruptly sit up in the bed.

"What's wrong, babe?" The slightly nasally voice of my Angel's impostor reaches me, as she glues herself to my side.

I stay quiet, concentrating on the mind link that stayed blocked for the last few years.

'I love you Leo.' I almost burst into tears hearing my Angel's voice. I get up from the bed, ignoring the bitch that keeps calling my name and head towards my bedroom, locking the door behind me. I haven't been here in 5 years. There delicate scent of my mate still lingers in the room. I have never let anyone open it or enter it, so it wouldn't disappear.

I crumble to the floor, leaning against the wall, just bawling my eyes out. Demon is howling in agony in my head, yearning for his mate.

'I love you too, Angel. Come back to me, please!!!' I wail into the mind link. 'I'm sorry about everything. Please forgive me. I need you.'

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