It's finally full moon, so my pack can shift.
I sit in the rocking chair on my front porch with my mate cradled in my arms like a baby as we enjoy the night. The moon shines brightly, everything is quiet and no one disturbs us, simply enjoying their time as humans. We took a long nap during the day, so we could stay up at night per my Angel's request. She wanted to see the full moon and after hearing her say it would be the first time she would see it in her whole life, I just couldn't say no. I stroke my queen's hair as she watches the night sky, snuggled into my bare chest.
Shane is the first one to approach us, wearing a black shirt and dark jeans. He's also groomed his short beard and his hair is slightly tousled as if he's run his hand through it one too many times. He seems almost nervous as he comes closer, and I would find it laughable, if it weren't for the fact that the situation we're dealing with is less than perfect, so everyone is beyond stressed.
"Alpha, Luna." He bows respectfully as he greets us.
"Who are you?" I chuckle at the confused tone of my mate's voice.
"It's Shane, my love." I tell her.
"OH!!! GREY!!!" She happily exclaims, and I watch as Shane frowns slightly, not exactly liking his nickname, but afraid to say anything.
"Luna, I apologize, but my name is Shane. I would really appreciate it if you could maybe call me by it." He nervously requests, causing my mate to pout sadly. Oh, I can see right through you, Angel.
"But I like to call you Grey." She mumbles quietly. Shane looks to me in panic, clearly afraid of upsetting my mate.
"I didn't mean to upset you Luna, I'm sorry." I can't stop myself from laughing at his expression. My little Angel scares the most lethal guy in my pack, who also happens to be almost as big as me.
Angel grins cheekily at me. "Got him!"
Shane looks lost for a moment, but soon realizes that Angel tricked him, releasing a sigh of relief, chuckling to himself.
"You're so cunning." I shake my head at her in amusement.
"Cunning? What does it mean?" She asks confused.
"It means you're really skillful at tricking people." I explain. I absolutely love that she's not afraid to ask about things she doesn't understand, depending on me to teach her.
After the Alphas left yesterday along with the Deads, we spent the rest of the evening reading the book she found earlier, with me leaning against the headboard of the bed and my Angel between my outstretched legs, wrapped in my arms. Every time she had a question, she turned to me, waiting for an explanation.
I watch my Angel as she interacts with Shane. Those two hit it off really well, much to my surprise. I don't have to worry about them, Angel really likes Shane and accepts him.
But what worries me is Mason's attitude. He's been avoiding my mate like the plague, which pisses me off. I told him off a few times, but he just can't seem to get over the fact that she's human, and it clouds his judgment. If this shit continues, I will remove him from his Beta position, friend or not. I can't have my second-in-command treat his Luna this way. Even now, it's Shane who comes up to us and not my Beta.
"Leo? Leo!" I feel my mate nudge me, pulling me out of my thoughts.
"Yes, Angel?" Oh shit, I was not supposed to call her that in front of others! I realize my slip up as soon as the word leaves my mouth.

The Beast (Alpha Trilogy #1)
Werewolf"I know I'm a monster, but even I have my limits!" I shout at him. He shouldn't have done that. "Wait, please, I- , let me explain. I'm sorry-" "I should've known." I say quietly as I turn around and leave him there. I will never trust him again. No...