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"Jisung, you wouldn't be the worst-"

Jisung quickly cut Felix off,
"Yes I would. What kind of hyung would I be if I left Seungmin trapped in this game? What kind of dongsang would I be if I left Hyunjin in there? Their lives quite literally depend on us."

"Felix, I understand if you're under some type of pressure knowing this, so why don't you go home and rest?"

Felix pursed his lips,
"No, what kind of dongsang would I be if I left my hyung to do this by himself?"

Felix smirked and cracked his knuckles,
"Now, let's kick some ass!"

Jisung grinned.

The two quickly began pressing random buttons.

Seungmin and Hyunjin reacted and ended up kicking the two pixelated characters.




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