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This time only one boy came out for round three.

Seungmin and Hyunjin looked at each other confused.

"Boss round,"
Felix whispered.

"We can do this!"
Jisung shouted.

"How do you know?"
Felix asked, slightly panicked.

"Have you never seen Pixels? If the nerds can do it, we can too!"

Felix glared at Jisung,
"One of the characters was literally the master at Donkey Kong, you do know that right?"

"Yeah, and I'm the master of this ass, now hurry up! The round is about to start!"




The pixelated character was quick to attack and harshly round house kicked Seungmin.

"Oh shit, we can do that?"

"Shh! Focus Felix!"

"Hehe, fix it felix!"

"Felix, I swear to God!"

The two harshly began pressing an and all buttons.

"Hey, what would happen if we press all the buttons at the exact same time?"
Felix questioned.

Jisung shrugged and then smirked,
"Let's find out!"

Jisung and Felix stopped pressing the buttons completely.

Jisung counted down.

Jisung and Felix adjusted their fingers over all the buttons.


They quickly pressed down on all of them, Seungmin and Hyunjin started to glow blue.

They then started to go crazy and kicked and punched everywhere, hitting the character each and every time.


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The game started to shine the white light again.

"Look! They're coming out!"
Felix yelled jumping up and down.

Jisung screamed in excitement as Seungmin and Hyunjin appeared in front of them again.

"We fucking did it!"
The two yelled at the same time.

Seungmin and Hyunjin patted themselves and then patted each other,
"Oh my God! They did it! We're alive!"
Hyunjin screamed.

Seungmin leaped into Jisung and Felix and gave them a bone crushing hug,
"Thanks, Hyungs,"

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