Poetry - Society (Part 1)

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A real life hell
Lassi Cherivine

I stand,
I stand and watch this society,
This society that has fallen off of a mountain,
A mountain that made it think it was special,
That it was different,
That no one could bother it,
That no one could touch it,
No one could ruin the perfection of its government...
No one but itself.

It ruined its own government,
Electing people who had plans,
People who decided that laws would not apply to them,
Laws that take rights away,
One by one.

"The future is now,"
That's what everyone says,
That the future starts today,
That we have to fight for justice,
That we can't just stand in the background,
Not uttering a word that could change everyone's view of us.

But we need to,
We need to stand up,
Need to speak loud,
Need to shout,
Need to make our voices known.

Maybe they'll listen,
Maybe they'll hear us,
Just maybe,
They'll help us.

Help us fix this mess that they created,
The mess that has caused pain and suffering,
The mess that might worsen,
Like quick sand.

Quick sand that is venomous,
Digs under your skin like a bug,
Buries itself into your skull,
Waiting for the perfect time to snack,
Snack on our words and twist them,
Twist them into something ruthless,
Something that could tear apart our minds.

It's true that we are blind,
Blind to the world around us,
Blind to each other,
Blind to the issues of our society.

Our ears don't hear clearly,
Our eyes don't see clearly,
Our mouths don't speak clearly,
Our nose doesn't smell clearly,
Our hands don't touch clearly.

It's all a mist,
Everything blurs together,
It's all gray,
No longer black and white.

No one is right,
No one is wrong,
Nothing is true,
Nothing is false.

All we know is based on our perception,
Based on bias and judgement.

We were taught to never judge a book by it's cover,
But that's what we have done,
Judge people based on their ethnic background,
Not their personality.

It's in our code,
We can no longer think for ourselves,
No longer see through the blinds,
We just follow,
Follow the leaders we cherish,
Even if it slowly kills us,
Burning our bodies,
Melting us into robots,
Not doing things for ourselves,
Listening to the ones on top of us.

Aren't we human?
Don't we care for each other?
I don't believe we do anymore,
We kill each other,
Tear each other down,
Hurt each other.

"We are all human, we make mistakes."
Yeah, we do,
Mistakes that can take lives,
Mistakes that hurt people,
Mistakes that can fester in someone's mind,
Until they can no longer see a light.

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