note thirty four

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Dear Seokjin,
I looked to my left, and out the window the sun was shining a fiery, violent orange. The sun was setting. My palms were sweating.

And I really didn't wanna leave.

"It's getting dark," you whispered. "I don't want you to go home late. It's dangerous."

"But I don't wanna leave you alone here," I replied. "When will I next be able to see you? When are you gonna come back to school?"

There was a pause. "I don't know. When I get better, I suppose."

"And when's that gonna be?"

Another pause. "Hopefully soon."

"I'm not gonna leave."

"You have to! It's getting late!"

I sighed. I stood up.
I didn't want to argue.

"Fine." I gritted my teeth together. I turned around and picked up my bag, ready to head for the door.

"W-wait!" You managed to choke out a stutter. "C-come back, just for a s-second."

I shuffled my feet towards you, and you reached your hands out, as if you wanted me to pick you up. You planted your hands on either sides of my cheek.

"Do you have a minute?" You asked.

I smirked. "Of course."

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