note fifteen

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Dear Seokjin,
Have you dyed your hair? It looks darker than before. It used to be a chocolate brown, but now it's jet black, just like mine. It looks good on you. You should keep it.

Then again, I can't see you not suiting any kind of hair colour. Maybe blonde is a colour to think about for the future.

My aunt Jenni owns a swanky hair salon downtown, I think you'd love her. And she's great at dying people's hair. You would think you can't really mess up dying hair, but you would be surprised. The first time I dyed my hair, it turned out a swampy green instead of the mint colour I was going for.

Thank god you've never seen it.
You would die of laughter.

If I wasn't so angry about it, I probably would have died of laughter too.

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