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"DAMI! DAMI! DAMI!" Jon practically screamed while barging into the young robin's room.

"It's Damien. And get your shit together Jon. What?" Damien sat up on his bed, looking at the 17 year old boy who had almost burst his ear drums.

"DAMI! IM GOING TO THE SAME COLLAGE AS YOU!" Jon jumped on Damien in his excitement.

Soon, Damien was staring into the young Superboy's eyes as he towered above him.

Damien eventually smirked and pushed Jon off of him.

"Congrats you idiot. Didn't think you'd make it." Damien laughed, a real laugh. Though, to Damien it felt uncomfortable and it hurt.

Jon's face lit up with delight and pounced on Damien again.

"You laughed! Dami, you laughed!" Giggling, Jon hugged Damien.

"Get off of me you idiot! I didn't laugh! Jon-" Damien struggled beneath Jon's super human grip.

"Well, seems like we'll be together for a while longer huh." Jon whispered, still hugging his childhood friend.

"......Yeah. Seems like it."

"Hey kiddo." Dick patted his youngest brother's head. His bed head was a mess and so was his mismatching pyjamas.

"Don't touch me..." Damien recoiled from his touch. "Morning" he muttered, immediately stuffing a spoonful of cereal into his mouth.

Dick immediately opened his eyes wide and looked at Damien as if he had started screaming bloody murder.

"Whoa... Did I just hear my lil' bro greet me?" Dick racked his fingers through his messy hair, grinning like an idiot.

"No way in hell that would happen, you must be hearing things." Jason snorted.

"No I'm pretty sure..." Duck looked at Tim for support but he just shrugged.

Damien continued eating his breakfast in silence. Already 18 and yet still being treated like a 10 year old.

A Little Closer (A Jon Kent x Damien Wayne fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now