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" ROBIN GET YOUR ASS OUT OF THERE! BEHIND YOU!" Nightwing called to the smaller sized boy in a tight red, green, black and yellow bodysuit.

"Worry about yourself" he said, bashing a robot's face into the wall and throwing a throwing star across the room to break another robot behind Nightwing.

"That's all of them" Damien said, dusting himself off, "Can we go?"

"Damien why do you still have these?" Nightwing asked, the tone of his voice dangerously close to furious. He held up the throwing star Damien had thrown and waved it in front of him to emphasise its existence.

"Why can't I?" Damien shot back. But his eyes looked away for a second before meeting Nightwing's.

"Damien, why aren't you using the ones Batman gave you? You went off on your own again didn't you." Nightwing's face drew closer to Damien's, his nose only a inch away.

"It's none of your business Greyson. I can do what I want." Damien walked away from the black and blue Superhero.

"It may not be any of my business but Batman may think differently." Dick looked at Damien expectedly.

"Right. Because I would care. I'm going back." Damien hopped on his motorbike and rode off without Dick.

"Well? You got into trouble?" Jon asked playfully bumping his fist against his shoulder.

"Thanks to you. Don't touch me." Damien swatted Jon's hand and continued reading his book about ancient Egypt.

Both the boys sat in a dark abandoned warehouse Damien thought he would never enter. When the boys found the warehouse, they had spent weeks cleaning it up.

Now they sat at a comfortable distance, Damien near a large window and Jon as close to Damien as he would allow him.

"But it was fun. I'd bet you wouldn't have gone there if not for me." Jon flipped onto his back, staring at the ceiling.

"It was loud and noisy. That's all." Damien pulled his red hood over his spiky black hair and moved further toward the window.

"You didn't say it was boring."

"It was drastically unentertaining."

"Wanna go there tonight?"

Damien looked at Jon questioningly.

"Ah its a school day tomorrow."

"Stop bothering me" Damien scowled and turned back to his book.

"But you came to the warehouse to hang out with me."

"I don't need a reason to do what I want. Now shut up."

Sighing, Jon got up and started pacing the floor, his footsteps echoing across the warehouse. He climbed over and onto boxes trying to entertain home self while Damien silently read his book.

Sunlight from the window shone on Damien's face, casting a golden glow. His eyebrows were furrowed and his lips pinched together and he worked his way through his book.

"Hey Dami," Jon called.

"It's Damien. What." Damien looked up from his book and glared at the boy whose curly black hair stood as if there was static.

"HAH I MADE YOU LOOK" Jon laughed light heartedly.

Damien rolled his eyes and throwed a rock at him. "Stop interrupting me"


A Little Closer (A Jon Kent x Damien Wayne fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now